"Tommy, get your filthy hand off my ass! I'm not like your usual slut!" I told him. He grabbed my arm and took me to a janitor's closet.

"Listen here, bitch. I personally think you are a slut because look what you're wearing. Besides why should I even waste my time with you? You are pathetic and only depends on your daddy, mommy, and brothers." Tommy snapped at me. Okay that was it.

"Shut the fuck up Tommo! First off my Dad picked out my outfit because he wanted me to look presentable and cute! Second, at least my clothes cover my body, unlike your sluts! I don't depend on my family, unlike you! You, Tommy, spread around your fame like air! You are a basta-" Before I could finish Tommy punched me in the face.

"Don't EVER talk to me like that Styles!" He shouted. To think our parents are best friends, well we used to be best friends. I still don't understand what happened. He continued to beat me up. After he was finished, Tommy left and left me in the janitor's closet. I laid there crying to myself, but then I heard a voice. "Darcy? Is that you?" I knew that voice, well voices. I looked up to find Aaron and Carter standing in front of the closet.

Aaron picked me up and they carried me to the boys' bathroom, don't worry we don't get in trouble. As long as I'm with my brothers, I'm golden. They placed me on a sink and started to clean up the blood on my face. I took out my make-up kit and placed concealer on the cuts and bruises. I did this because of the following:

1. Teachers.

2. Other Students and Friends.

But this one is the most important reason:

3. My Dad.

"Who did this to you?" Aaron asked in his serious tone. They knew that Tommy hurt me, but the first time they found out, the twins beat the shit out of Tommy, or at least tried. When our parents saw the twins, they said that they got in a fight with a guy on the street because he almost stole something from a store.

"Tommy," I whispered.

"JESUS CHRIST, DARCY! Why do you let him do this to you?" Carter yelled, but then calmed down. "I never mean for it to happen. I tried to get away, I swear." I said with my head down and crying. My brothers calmed me down, wow and I just realized I missed second period. Well all three of us did, but we just laughed about it.

The three of us left the bathroom and made our way to the cafeteria. We sat down at our usual table with Diamond, Jarred, Andy, Maria, Morgan, Scarlet, and Crystal. Crystal is Tommy and Scarlet's sister, she is only a freshmen, but we love her. Diamond started asking me what happened so I told her. As I got my lunch I sat back down at the table. Tommy doesn't sit with us, well sometimes he does, just not today. Everyone at my table were sending him daggers.

Tommy was sitting with his usual sluts and then the jocks. After I was done eating I got up and put my tray back as I was walking back to table I felt freezing cold water get dumped on me. I looked up to see Rachel and some of her skanks. Everyone was laughing at me, but for some reason Tommy wasn't really laughing. Carter pulled off his sweatshirt and ran over to me.

"It's okay, Darce. I'll get you warm," Carter whisperer in my ear as we walked back to the table. "THAT'S IT!" Aaron yelled and stood up and marched over to Tommy. Aaron was the more reckless one of the twins. He hauled Tommy up from his chair and punched him in the face. Tommy's buddy got up and attacked Aaron. I began to get angry. I just can't sit back and watch them beat up my little brother. Carter was trying to get the guys off of him. That is it! Oh yeah, Jarred and Andy are also in this fight.

I got up from being with the girls and walked over to the fight. Diamond pulled off one of the guys who were on Andy and Andy got one, while she got the other. Those two are amazing when they fight. I pulled off the guy who was on Carter and kicked him in the balls. Another guy tried to come at me, but I threw him over my shoulder. Tommy looked up at me with shock written all over his face after the fight was over.

"What, You never saw a girl who took fighting lessons?" I remarked. I forgot to tell you my brothers take boxing and then they teach me how to do it. Lunch ended and we left for our next classes. All of them I have with Tommy, but time went by fast and finally we were able to leave. Tommy did yell at me at some points. I just don't understand  why he hates me so much.


At Home..


Dad was gone so we were home alone. I did my homework and saw that I had some new messages on my twitter.


Tommy: GO TO HELL!

Diamond: HEY RACHEL AND TOMMY OR SHOULD I SAY SLUT AND TOMLINSON, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Darcy, you are beautiful, don't forget that! XxXx

Tommy: Stop with the lies, Horan! Darcy Styles is the ugliest person I have ever seen and met!

I just stopped reading and ran into my bathroom. Yeah, I have a bathroom in my bedroom, be jealous! I searched through my drawers and finally found a razer blade. I slide down to the floor and placed the blade over my wrist. I was crying my eyes out when I sliced my wrist. I heard the door close downstairs, but ignored it and continued to cut.

"DARCY CHRISTINE STYLES! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Dad yelled as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom, but my eye sight was blurry. "DARCY! Darcy, come on. Stay with me. CARTER, AARON!" Daddy yelled. I saw two more figures come in and run over. Just then everything turned black.

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