Chapter 12

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The next morning....


"WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEADS!!!!" Uncle Louis shouted. I jumped up, but realized that Tommy's arm was still around my waist. I turned to see a shirtless Tommy. Wait, shirtless?! When did he take off his shirt!?!

"Oi Harry, it looks like Tommy got some last night," Uncle Niall shouted.


Oh shit.




Chapter 12


Harry's POV:


I had gotten up by Miranda kissing my neck. Man I love this woman! I turned around and started to make out with my sexy wife.

"Erm, excuse me you two, but everyone is here and your about to have sex in front of us. We would be happy if you stopped before you scar the children," Liam said. Oh shit! I forgot that last night was our enormous sleepover. Miranda pulled away blushing and giggling. The kids were still asleep.

I looked around the room. Carter and Morgan were snuggled in together and I couldn't help but get Zayn to notice. I still remember when Sophie had Morgan and she asked Zayn if he wanted another baby. He had said now because he was happy having two special girls in his life, not including his mom and sisters.

"Hey Malik, I think you should get ready and order your suit soon." I said to him.

"Uh, why?" He replied. I nodded to the two snuggled together. Zayn looked over to them and smiled, then looked back at me. "Yeah, yeah Styles. I still have about four years with my baby girl before I give her away to any dude. Your son better not do anything stupid of else he'll have to deal with!"

Okay....Anyways I kept looking and saw Diamond and Andy sleeping in each other arms like they did when they were younger. "Niall! Look our babies are sleeping like they used to when they were babies!" Amelia said. Niall turned around and took a picture of them.

Next I saw was Scarlet and Aaron. "Boobear, can you make sure that your son gets condoms for Christmas. I don't want any grandchildren yet," Eleanor said. She is just like Louis, who was laughing from the kitchen. "Harry, why don't you go make some waffles." Miranda said. I got up and went into the kitchen and started to make waffles.

"Oh, Haz Kyle left, so we don't have to worry about him." Louis said.

All of the kids woke up and I made a ton of waffles. I was getting a few more things out when I heard Louis shout.

"WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEADS!!!!" He must be talking to Tommy and Darcy since they were still sleeping. I set the last thing of waffles on the table when Niall spoke up, "Oi Harry, it looks like Tommy got some last night."

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I yelled as I ran into the living room to find a shirtless Tommy rubbing his eyes and Darcy wrapped in his arms. Oh this boy is going to get it.


Darcy's POV:


Dad ran into the living room and looked at Tommy and I. His eyes widened and his fists clenched.

"D-Daddy, it's not what it looks like," I stuttered. It wasn't long until Tommy was off the ground and Uncle Louis was trying to hold back Dad.


"Harry, let them explain first," Mom said calmly.

"Fine. Explain."

"Dad, we were sleeping. He just had his arm around my waist and besides almost every guys sleeps with their shirt off. Even you Daddy sleep with out a shirt, sometimes even naked, sorry your fans ask strange questions." I told him. My uncles and aunts were laughing and Daddy was blushing a deep red. Well, at least he calmed down. Mom was laughing so hard.


Once everyone calmed down and after breakfast....


We had all changed and today we were going to the beach. YAY! I ran upstairs with the girls and we changed into our swimming suits. Yes they are bikinis. I had on a bikini that had a British flag on it and my blue flip flops. We all wore ray-bands.

Juliet: white bikini with rhinestones around the edges and straps and white flip flops.

Scarlet: black bikini with a bow on the top and black flip flops.

Crystal: strapless blue bikini with ruffles and blue flip flops.

Jessie: solid light orange bikini and orange flip flops.

Morgan: purple bikini with white stripes and purple flip flops.

Diamond: bikini with the Irish flag on it and green flip flops.

All of us put on jean shorts and tank tops. We walked back downstairs and got ready to go.



At the beach



We got out of our shorts and tank tops. All of the guys were staring at us. Oh we invited Maria to join us. Our moms put sun screen on us because we didn't trust our boyfriends. There were guys coming up to us as we were relaxing.

"Hey cuties," The one guy, I think the leader said to us. I glanced over and saw Tommy with a clenched jaw, same with my brothers and Andy. I looked at the girls and we decided to make them jealous. So here we go.

Diamond was single so she was actually looking for a boyfriend, stupid Jarred! Jessie, Crystal, and Maria stayed behind to go get ice cream. They aren't looking for a relationship yet and Maria didn't want to have anyone get hurt. Scarlet, Morgan, and I told the guys that we wanted to make our boyfriends jealous and they agreed. Juliet was walking around with a guy named Spencer. They were really hitting it off. Diamond was walking with a guy with ruffled blonde hair, his name was Ross Moon. Scarlet and Morgan were walking around with it looked like twins and their names were Finn and Jack Harries. I was walking around with a guy with red hair and he said his name was Percy. All the guys were fit like our boyfriends.

After a while we all looked back at the guys who took off their shirts revealing their abs. Oh my God does my boyfriend have abs! Girls all around were beginning to come to them and swoon over them, now we were starting to get jealous. All of us were starting to get upset because we were doing it to be funny, but the guys were letting the girl kiss them on the cheeks and one even kissed Carter on the lips, just a quick peck.

I saw Morgan's face and she was on the verge of tears. Okay this has gone too far. Morgan, Scarlet, and I said, "Thanks guys, but it looks like they don't care. Bye!" As we passed the guys Scarlet went to join Uncle Louis in the water. I was walking with Morgan as the tears fell down her cheeks. I glared at them and Carter spotted Morgan's tears and pushed all the girls off of him and ran over to us.

"Morgan, MORGAN! What's wrong? What happened? Did that jack ass do som-," Carter tried to ask, but Morgan cut him off.


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