CHAPTER 21 - Fake Armor

Start from the beginning

"Bullet, I-..."

"I have to go. I need to take care of something", he immediately turned around and strode away, his smile slowly fading.

Dara stood on her spot while watching her friend's retreating back. She was startled when she heard someone chuckling behind the tree nearby. When she whipped her head on that direction, she saw Stone stepping away from the tree and walking towards her.

A shiver ran down her spine as she studied his sharp features – long and narrow face, high cheekbones, pointy chin, a scar on his forehead. What scared her, though, are his red eyes, as if he's high on something.

"We meet again", he said as he stood in front of her. "Dara Ramirez, former Bridge Rose student. Tell me... How are you associated with Ice Lord?" He asked as he slowly circled around her, looking at her from head to toe. "Are you his girl or is it that chick named Takizawa?"

"I didn't know you're into girls' gossips. Did you try to look at Namee's underwear to see if her panty is better than yours?"

"Sharp tongue. I like it", he stopped in front of her again and grinned. Dara took a step back when he slowly leaned down to level his gaze with hers. "You see this scar? Ice Lord did this", Stone pointed at his forehead. "What if I put a scar in your face? Will he come running after me?" He whispered.

Dara quickly gathered her things and slung her bag on her shoulder before facing him again. "You don't have to put a scar on anyone's face to make him come running after you. Just declare your love for him. Who knows, maybe he'll be touched by your undying devotion."

She heard Stone's boisterous laugh as she marched away. As soon as she reached the Arts Building, she leaned on the wall and clutched her chest with trembling hands; her heart hammering as she heaved a deep breath.


Dara's POV

My encounter with Stone haunted me for days but fortunately, I didn't come across him anymore. I pushed the troubling thought aside and focused my gaze on the laptop that Jiro gave me. I don't want to ruin my weekend thinking about what The Claws gang leader said.

Reading the first pages that I typed, I can't help but feel giddy with the fact that I'm starting to write the first chapter of my first story. I already filled a couple of notebooks while writing some scenarios and after making an outline of the plot, everything is now materializing. I hope before this weekend ends, I will be able to finish a lot of chapters.

I hugged my pillow as I sat on my bed and browsed through my notebooks, smiling inwardly when I saw the things that I wrote. Ever since, I wanted to be a romance novel author and seeing my works in the bookstores is one of my greatest dreams. Now that I have an inspiration, I hope it will help me in becoming an effective writer.

Hmmm... I usually use my name as the heroine and invent a guy's name as the lead. What if I use Jiro and my name for the characters? I pulled my black notebook and began browsing through the scenes I wrote, replacing the characters' names in my mind.

Dara squeezed her eyes shut and moaned when she felt Jiro's tongue lapping the juices of her private part...

OH MY GOD! I can't imagine Jiro licking my vajayjay, que horror! The juices of my...GAHH! His mouth is not going anywhere near that part, I swear! Why the hell did I end up in a smut scene?!

Shaking my head in disbelief, I flipped through the pages and tried again. I can't believe I wrote this!

When Jiro settled his gaze at her exposed breasts, Dara tried to cover her chest but he stopped her. "Don't", he said. "You're very lovely, Dara", he whispered, his warm breath tingling her bare skin. He then captured one of her peaks and began twirling his tongue, making her lose her mind...

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