Lynn's a boarder at Kanna like me, while Emi's a boarder at Kadic, and Cam lives with Alexei and his mom. Alexei and Cam have the easiest time coming and going since Ms. Tiya, Alexei's mom, is lax. As long as they don't get in trouble, mantain their grades, and let her know where they are, their pretty much free to do whatever they want. While Emi, Lynn, and myself risk sneaking off and on campus. Emi and I have it better than Lynn, since neither one of us has a roommate. We don't have to worry about explaining to anyone where we're going, as long as we don't get caught. Poor Lynn shares a dorm with Avery, Mara's friend. The two generally don't get along, so much so that Lynn avoids his dorm like the plauge. He only uses it as storage and a place to sleep. That's why my dorm is our hang out and unoffical office, outside of the manison.

"Do you wanna bunk at my place for the night?" Alexei asked. "My mom won't mind." This wouldn't be the first time Lynn's slept over at Alexei's place because of a late night Lyoko mission. Ms. Tiya's place is like our second home. Alexei's invited us to sleepover at the last minute muiltple times, Ms. Tiya's cool with it, a long as we don't destory her house...again.

Lynn shook his head, "Thanks, but can't. I've got a quiz tomorrow I need to study for and my notes are back at the dorm."

Lynn's the oldests of our group by one year, which puts him one grade ahead of us. During school hours we only see him during meals or breaks. Or the semi-regular eight and ninth grade shared gym classes.

"That means we're safe, don't have gym tomorrow." Alexei teased. "But seriously, are you gonna be okay? You know how Avery can be."

"He's right Lynn, it's not like you snuck out while Avery was sleeping." I voiced my concern. Avery's a heavy sleepier, it's the only reason Lynn's been able to snuck in and out without his interference. "I don't think it's worth it this time."

"Your not the one who's barely passing science." Lynn shook his head. "Since our soccer team didn't make nationals, my dad's been grilling me about sports even more. He really wants me to give up music and foucs sololy on my training." He sighed. "Last thing I need is to give him another exuse to think music is 'pointless and distracting'. If I ace this quiz, it'll improve my grade."

He ingnored any more protest about him returning to the dorm. The conversation ended with plans to meet during lunch to discuss tomorrow's mission to Sector 5. Emi's lunch time is the same as our's. She'll try to sneak off campus to meet in my dorm. If not, that's what cell hpones are for.

The five of us left the manison and jounreyed to the access enterance by Kanna together. In the forest, by Kanna and Kadic, Emi was the first to leave. Kanna and Kadic are about a seven to ten mintue walk if you cut through the forest that's behind both schools. This has allowed quick travel during Xana's acts. Otherwise Emi attending another school serepate from us would've been more dangerous. We're making do for now, but we're hoping to get the two nessacry letters to bump Emi up on the waiting list at Kanna. If we can't, we'll have to wait until enrollment for next school year opens. 

Arriving on the edge of campus, Lynn and I said our goodbyes to Alexei and Cam. They'd loop around the forest to access the main street instand of cutting through campus. Going through te school is faster, but risky. Never know who's roaming around at night. Lynn and I 'strolling' across campus is bad enough and we live here. I can't image the kind of trouble Alexei and Cam would get into if they were found outside on campus this late.

"Strange, no one's here." Lynn peeked around the corner, looking for anyone on partol. "We might be able to make a rab for the stairs." He gestured to the empty hallway.

"To easy, I suggest heading for the stairs on the other end." I pointed down the hall. "It's closer to your room."

Lynn shook his head. "What about you? These stairs are closer to your dorm."

Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders Season 2Where stories live. Discover now