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My chest hurts like you guys have no idea...

All I remember was walking back to the Mansion with Liu and then feeling like If I was getting stabbed twelve times in the back!

I just wanted to sleep forever.

But someone wouldn't let me.

She kept begging for me to wake up.

I felt some kind of connection with this person wake up again.

I opened my eyes and blinked trying to clear my vision.

I was laying down on the couch wearing a breathing tube and my stomach covered with bandages.

Looking around I saw a human girl sleeping her head on her arms sitting next to me.


Did I make it to the mansion? What happened?

I tried to get up but the pain I felt came back ten times way worse.

Okay, don't do that again Masky.

"Zariah?" I said.

She woke up and looked at me her face turning into a smile.

"Masky? You're awake!" said Zariah tearfully.

"Yeah and my body hurts what happened?" I asked her confused.

"You got shot by some hunters." said Zariah.

"What?" I said surprised.

Did I get shot? How did I not see that hunter?

"Yeah You almost didn't make it you lost a lot of blood" said Zariah swallowing thickly.

"Wow How long have I been out?" I asked curiously.

"For two hours Hoodie had to give you his blood so you could live" said Zariah.

"Oh tell him thanks"I said.

"Masky I have to tell you something" said Zariah making eye contact with me.

"Sure what is it?" I asked.

 Her green eyes were hypnotizing me.

"I remember you," said Zariah smiling.

I felt my heart jump against my chest.

She remembered me!

"You do?" I said not believing that this was actually happening.

"Yes!" said Zariah.

I was so happy that I pulled her close and I hugged her not caring the pain I felt for moving.

"Zara" I said softly.

"Masky" said Zariah hugging me back.

Wait a minute! Was I wearing my mask?!

I pulled back and looked around and saw my mask on the table.

Great I got exposed.

" You barely realize that you aren't wearing your mask" teased Zariah.

Man! It's like she knows me that well!

"Who saw me" I said groaning.

"Only Sonic.Exe, Hoodie and Slender" replied Zariah laughing.

"Ugh" I said annoyed.

She stood up and handed me my mask.

"Thanks" I said putting it on.

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