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When I first met Zariah was when we were kids I was around 7 years old (I think) At that time I wasn't so cold-hearted like I am now.

Let me tell you what really happened that day 13 years ago It had been a normal day as usual Jeff, Toby, Ben, and I was helping Slendy work on keeping an eye for any strangers.

At that time I didn't wear my mask all the time but when Zariah was taken away I changed a lot.

"Slendy Why do we need to do this crap?" asked Jeff bored.

"Jeffery where are your manners you know why we are doing this Also, stop acting like a little kid since you keep saying that your not a kid anymore stop acting like one!" scolded Slenderman.

"Oh Jeff got exposed!" said Toby (5 years old at that time) snickering.

"Shut up Toby..." said Jeff growling.

"It is true though your technically 11-years-old Jeff but you do act like rude sometimes," said Ben playing with his tablet.

"What did you just say?!" snarled Jeff.

Ben ( 9 years old ) rolling his eyes answered, "you heard me"

Jeff took his knife out and pointed it at Ben "Don't provoke me unless you want to go to sleep" threatened Jeff.

"G-Guys don't fight," said Toby twitching.

"Boys enough don't make me repeat myself.," said Slenderman.

"Yes sir," said Jeff, and Ben still throwing death glares at each other.

At that time it wasn't the whole creepypasta family It was only me, Toby, Jeff, Ben, Laughing Jack ( 13 years- old) (aka LJ), and Smile Dog (6 years-old). The others weren't part of us yet.

"S-Slendy?" asked Toby.

"Yes?" answered Slenderman.

"Do you think she will come?" asked Toby twitching a bit.

"Who the heck are you talking about?" asked Jeff confused.

"She's talking about Zariah you dummy" scolded Ben.

"Oh, that little girl? and don't ever call me that again Ben.," said Jeff.

"It's most likely since we are her friends" answered Slenderman.

"I still don't understand how can a little girl not tell the difference between good people and bad people," I said.

"Well with human kids it's very different," said Slenderman.

We all stood quiet for a few seconds until we heard voices approaching coming directly from the woods.

"Guys get prepared we don't know who it is," said Slenderman.

We were in our attack position until we heard LJ's laughter getting louder as they got closer to us.

"Never mind then its just LJ and Smile Dog," said Slenderman.

"Hey, guys! Woah there it's just us!" said Laughing Jack laughing.

"Come on now," said Slenderman.

"We have a surprise for yall!" said LJ chuckling.

"Oh boy what is it?" I asked.

"Hold on come here it's okay," said LJ behind him.

The rest of us were confused until we saw a girl walk over to us happy. She said "Masky! Ben! Jeffy! Slendy! Toby!"

We all smiled and said " Zariah!"

Toby grabbed her and hugged her and asked "What are you doing here? I thought you said you were not going to be able to visit us?" asked Toby twitching with excitement.

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