Ticci Toby

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I was very confused when Ben started dragging me over to go to Slender's room and talk. I thought I was in trouble.

"B-but w-why d-do I-I have to go?" I stammered.

"Relax Toby no one is in trouble just Slenderman wants to talk to us," said Ben rolling his eyes.

"I-If you say so..." I said twitching from the nerves.

Ben opened Slenderman's door and dragged me in there with him while slamming the door shut.

I thought it was only us two but was surprised and very confused to find Masky, Jeff, Smile Dog, LJ in there as well.

"Slendy? What's going on?" I asked.

"I just want to let you guys know we are not in trouble," said Jeff looking at our direction playing with his knife.

"Alright, now that all 6 of you are here we have some news," said Slenderman.

"Can you spill it already? My nerves are killing me" chuckled LJ.

"Oh shut up you monochrome clown" muttered Ben.

"I heard that..." said LJ shooting a dirty look at Ben.

"Can you both please be quiet!" growled Masky.

"Sorry," said Ben, and LJ.

"Thank you Masky as what I was trying to say is that Zariah is alive she's back!" said Slendy happy.

"What!!" I said twitching.

"For real?!" said Ben surprised.

"Oh yes!" laughed LJ happy.

"How? How are you sure Slendy that she's back?" I asked.

"Because I saw her" answered Masky.

"WHAT??!" was what all of us except Slendy & Masky said.

"You heard him right he saw Zariah" answered Slendy calmly.

I ran over to Masky and practically tackled him to the floor and asked him about a million questions:

"How is she? Did you talk to her? Did she recognize you? Did she ask about us? How does she look like? Will she come here to visit us?! How old is she? "

"Ugh! Toby get off me!" yelled Masky.

"Toby," said Slenderman using his tendrils to get me off Masky.

"Sorry, Masky...s-sorry Sir," I said twitching.

"To answer your question no I didn't talk to her and no she didn't see me. answered Masky.

"So? What's the big deal if that girl is back in town?" asked Jeff.

"What do you mean "what's the big deal" she's our friend!" growled Smile Dog at Jeff.

"The deal is that we should bring her here so she can meet the others," said Slenderman.

"That means we kidnap her ?" asked Ben grinning.

"No! Why would we kidnap her?" I said shaking my head.

"Ben is actually right Toby," said Slenderman.

"Of course I- Wait What?" said Ben startled.

"What Slender is trying to say is that we need to find a way to drag Zariah away from the people she's staying with and then bring her to us" Masky explained.

"Oh that makes a lot more sense," said LJ nodding.

"So...you guys are saying that we bring the chick here so she can hang with us and then what?" said Ben.

"Wake up Ben! then she can stay here with us now that she's an adult and maybe become one of us!" said Smile Dog.

"Oh," said Ben.

"Am I the only one here that is concerned about something other than the fact about Zariah?!" said Jeff frustrated.

"What are you concerned about Jeff?" asked Slender.

"About the fact that we are happy to bring in here a human girl while the others have no clue on who  she is?" said Jeff glaring at all of us.

"Hmm," said LJ thinking " He has a point"

"Agreed," I said.

"Don't worry about that Masky will explain to the others about the situation will you Masky?" asked Slender.

"Yes sir" answered Masky.

"Good, Now that it's settled I need you guys to form a plan to bring Zariah here to us Masky I need you to come with me," said Slenderman standing up.

"Yes Sir," said Masky getting up as well and following him out the door.

"Okay anyone has any ideas on how to get her here?" I asked.

"Actually yeah I have one," said Smile Dog.

"Then let's hear it!" said Jeff throwing his knife at the door.

"We need a small group I was thinking that maybe since we all know that Liu and Nina are the people Zariah is staying with," said Smile Dog.

"Duh! we know and the funny thing is that she has no idea that they are creepypastas!" chuckled LJ.

"Right..." I said.

"So we can have Liu and Nina come up with an idea to make Zariah go to the store at nighttime what I know thanks to Liu is that she often gets distracted. She could get distracted and go to the forest that's where she will bump into Sally. Then Sally could lead her to the lake and then scare her and I'm guessing you guys know the rest" grinned Smile Dog.

"We start chasing her" grinned, Ben.

"The problem is though who should go follow her," I asked.

"I was thinking about Sonic. Exe would be a nice fit for this" said LJ.

"Yeah we could have him chase her and then at some point he will have to push Zariah and make her fall," said Jeff nodding in agreement.

"Well I think that Jeff should go and Ben lets also let Tails Doll go with them also..." I said.

"Why Tails Doll? out of the rest?" asked Smile Dog.

"Guys he has wicked abilities as a creepypasta come on!" I protested.

"Toby has a good point," said LJ eating candy.

"What so you don't want to go LJ?" asked Ben raising an eyebrow.

LJ laughed and said: " No thank you I want to stay here with the others"

"Alright then so it's settled but first we need Masky to tell the others what's going on then we get the plan set deal?" asked Jeff.

"Deal!" we all answered.

I couldn't wait to see Zariah again! I was twitching with excitement and nerves although something did bother me the fact about how where the others going to treat her.

They wouldn't be too hard on her, would they?

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