Smile Dog

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I have to say that Zariah is a pretty interesting girl now that she's all grown up.

I know that you are all probably wondering how we met her aren't I right?

Well in this chapter I will recap how we met her!

It was 13 years ago when I was 6 years-old All of our new friends weren't with us yet.

I remember one day walking in the woods (in my dog form) and saw a small girl around 5 years-old playing by herself in the street.

I was going to ignore the small girl until I hear a honking noise and saw a truck going at a very high speed.

My eyes widened when I saw the truck was going to run over the girl and kill her!

Quickly I changed form and ran and grabbed the girl and ran back into the woods.

I had almost not made it but I did.

I sighed in relief and noticed that the girl was looking at me.

Feeling awkward I turned into my dog form.

She squealed and said: "Puppy!" she grabbed me by my neck and petted my head.

I felt myself turn red I know that Im technically a dog but I don't enjoy it when people pet me.

"Um, can you get let go of me?" I asked the little girl.

"No doggy" answered the girl.

I sighed in frustration and changed back into a human and tried to get her off me but damn! She had a very strong grip!

"Can you please get off me?" I begged.

"No doggy!" said the girl scolding.

I had to go back to the mansion but I couldn't go back with a small girl!

After a few more minutes trying and getting nowhere I decided to just take her with me.

I swear I even tried growling at her and showing her my evil side she wouldn't budge!

"Fine! Then follow me!" I said.

"Okay doggy!" answered the girl.

I started walking into the woods with her following behind me.

After a while, we got to the Mansion and saw the #1 killer and my best friend Jeff the killer at the front door.

"Well...Well...Well... Smile dog you are in big trouble" grinned Jeff ( 13 at that time) playing with his knife.

"I know! But I have bigger problems than that!" I said trying to get Jeff's attention.

"Sure you do," he said finally looking at me.

Jeff froze when he saw the girl that was holding onto me and got his knife and was about to kill her until I said:

"Wait! Don't kill her!"

Jeff scolded and said: "Why shouldn't I! She's a  human Smile!"

The small girl's eyes widened in fear and she buried her face against my neck and said: "M-monster"

"She's just an innocent girl Jeff," I said calmly.

"So what?" said Jeff annoyed.

"I just bumped into her" I looked at his knife "Can you put that away for once!"

"Why?" asked Jeff confused.

"The knife scares her Jeff correction all of you scares her!" I said glaring at him.

The Creepypastas and Me...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt