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"Masky?" said Zariah softly.

I looked at her and realized that the yell had been from Masky.

"GUYS! COME OUTSIDE MASKY'S BEEN SHOT!″ yelled Tails Doll entering the dining room.

Everyone got up and ran outside following Tails Doll.

"Masky!" said Hoodie reaching his brother first.

Sally was trembling and tears were falling from her eyes.

"Liu! What happened?" asked Nina shaking Liu.

"We just went for a walk and then Masky got shot from behind..." said Liu shaking.

"Laughing Jack take Masky inside Jeff, Jane, EJ, Tails Doll, Smile Dog, and Ben go find that hunter and kill him," I said ordering everyone.

"Let's go!" yelled Jeff and ran off to the woods followed by EJ, Jane, Tails Doll, Smile Dog, and Ben.

LJ picked up Masky and went inside.

"Clockwork, Toby, Nina, Liu can you try to calm Sally down?" I asked.

"Yes, come with us Sally" said Clockwork grabbing Sally's hand and taking her inside.

"Zariah, Hoodie come with me" I said going inside.

"Where do I put Masky?" asked LJ.

"On the sofa" I said.

"Fair enough" said LJ putting Masky on the sofa.

"LJ can you" I said swallowing thickly.

"Yes I'll go get Slender," said LJ leaving us alone with Masky.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Hoodie trembling.

"Wait till Slender comes" I said breathing shakily.

Zariah moved closer to Masky and tearfully she lifted his mask up revealing his face.

I was very worried that I didn't care that Masky's face was being shown.

"M-Masky  Please hold on  I-I remember you  Please" wept Zariah softly.

I just looked at her crying and I couldn't hold myself and I decided to hug her.

"Masky..." said Zariah crying.

"Shh, its okay Zariah He will be okay" I reassured her.

Hoodie had taken his mask off as well and was crying worried for his brother.

"WHERE IS HE?!" yelled Slenderman startling all of us.

"H-Here" replied Hoodie his voice heavy with dread.

"Oh no" said Slenderman walking to where Masky was laying unconscious.

"Slendy Can you help him?" asked Zariah hopeful.

"I-I'm afraid I can't  he's been shot twice if we would've been there earlier I could've" replied Slenderman.

"NO! NO! NO! DON'T SAY THAT!" yelled Zariah crying.

"I'm very sorry Zariah" said Slenderman looking away from Masky.

Hoodie's eyes filled with tears and he ran off.

I closed my eyes and held Zariah tightly.

"LET GO OFF ME SONIC.EXE! PLEASE! HELP HIM! PLEASE!" yelled Zariah struggling against my grip.

"Zariah stop! He's not coming back..." I said trying to calm her down.

"NO!" said Zariah pushing me away and running to where Masky was laying down.

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