The ride home was normal. Katie and John talking about how much school work they have to do and the amount of projects they got left with due to their partners being to busy to do anything else. though I couldn't get the thought off my mind about going out to eat lunch tomorrow. I mean anything would do better than simple peanut butter and jelly with a cup of water.

I was walking into my house only to be welcomed with the same old arguing that's been going on for months and the heavy smell of smoke and beer. Not only does Chris drink but he got my mom into it now as well. I walk into my room and place my bag down, but before I could even do anything else I heard stomping foot steps coming up the stairs. Then my door slammed open revealing a very stressed out drunk most likely high as hell Chris. "Your finally home, Down stairs your on laundry and dishes and your to sweep and mop and then I want you OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He yelled the last part which made me flinch. Out but why? I didn't do anything wrong I just walked into the house? I was so lost in thought that the next think I felt was a hard punch to the face. I felt my body hit the floor as he started kicking me. I cried and yelled for him to leave me alone. I looked over and saw my mother in tears just standing there. But why wasn't she helping me. Chris picked me up by the collar of my school shirt which now had stains of drops of blood that dripped from my scalp and lip. My body to weak and broken to fight back anymore. "Forget the damn chores I want you out of my house in the next 5 minutes. And don't you dare even think about coming back here with the cops!" He said very harshly. I felt the tears about to fall out I quickly grabbed my backpack with my school work along with one change of clothes and my wallet. My phone was already in my bag with my charger but it was dead. I ran out of the house and ran as far as I could until I felt tired. I was out of breath and my body was super achy and sore. Every now and the I would get black spots in my vision. And I knew the blood wont stop trickling down my face. I knew it had to be treated. But no way in hell am I going to the hospital. That's when a thought crossed my mind. The café has Wi-Fi and charger ports. But then I realized that Mr. Hemmings and a few other teachers usually go there all the time. So that's a no go. I come across a bus stop in the quiet part of town. I knew this part well enough to know literally no one comes around here yet the bus still stops here. Oh well I'm tired my feet hurt a little rest shouldn't do harm right? I laid down with my backpack under my head. I held onto my locket letting tears fall from my eyes. I let myself cry myself to sleep.

Luke's P.O.V

Me and my mates were in Florida to teach the kids at my brothers high school he works at about basic first aid. Of course when he asked I said yes and planned a month off for me and my pals to take off and head down here. You see we live in California. And we have our own practice there. me and my mates are all doctors. I was super happy to be seeing my brother for the first time in like forever. Its been 3 years exactly. I was also excited to announce to him the relationship I have with my best mate and now boyfriend of a year Calum. I never told my brother. I wanted to tell him in person.

Our bus pulled up to the station where we will be walking to my brothers apartment. As the bus driver let us off the bus we all stretch and look around. While I'm looking around I see a female laying in the bus stop looking pretty beat up. I look over to Calum who then gave me a nod telling me he sees it to. We walk over and I notice the girl looks like the girl from the picture my brother sent me. One of his students. But why was she on the bus stop bench and why was she bruised and bloody. That's when I went into doctor mode. I started rubbing her arm to see if she'd wake up and thankfully she did. She looked at me with pure fear in her eyes and just as I was about to ask her if she was alright she took off running. I looked back at the guys and they shrugged unsure of what to do. I sighed. "Well I guess we should get going." Just as I was about to turn something caught my eye. I looked at the card and noticed it was a student id card. I picked it up and read the name. 'Sarah Knox' then I looked at the school name and realized it was the same school my brother worked at. I put the card in my pocket and walked back to the guys. "Well lets go to the house before something else pops up shall we." I said before walking off with the guys following shortly after.

Sarah P.O.V

I ran and ran until I knew I was far enough and not being followed. I stopped completely out of breath and in a crap ton of pain. I don't know how the hell I'm gonna do this. I thought to myself. Then I remembered. There was an old house down the street from my school. That house is usually always unlocked so I could just stay the night there. And so that's what I did. When I finally got the house I walked in. It was in horrible shape but its better than nothing. I put my bag on the floor and grabbed my water bottle I had in my bag from gym. I also grabbed some extra napkins I had and I quickly cleaned my cuts and face to make myself look presentable. I then grabbed my wallet and quickly ran across the street to the drug store were I bought a box of granola bars, a first aid kit, and a 6 pack of water. It wasn't much but I didn't want to waste all my money I got from my birthday a few years back. I had about $50 left in my wallet that I am saving for food to last me until I can find a job. I walked back to the house making sure no one seen me and I got to work I pulled out my phone to use it like a mirror and cleaned my cuts the best I could. My ribs were killing me though. But I'll live. After I was done cleaning my cuts I opened the granola box and ate one. The I felt extremely tired. I usually wake up early so waking up wont be a problem. I hope. Before I knew it I was falling asleep holding onto my necklace.

Dusk till Dawnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें