But now, Ise haves a good job at the garage, that Ise loves and me son and wife can work there with me. Little Kenny just loves the idea of apprentice at the garage.

Now Ise can keep my family in their home."

Kenny raised his glass.

"Youse has no idea what that means to me."

Bill smiled, as the two clinked glasses again.

"Honestly, Kenny. It is my absolute pleasure. It has been a lot of work, but in the long run, it will all be worth it."

"Thats the other thing, Bill."

Bill was slightly confused.

"What is?"

"Youse and Matty works ways too much. When does you two even get any time together?"

"We manage."

Bill looked out across the ocean.

"We made a commitment to the Bay, Kenny and until that commitment is fulfilled, we will continue to do what has to be done."

"But youse still needs time with your woman."

"Listen to the man, William. He knows of what he speaks."

Bill and Kenny stood, as Matty and Jojo joined the two men. They both hugged the women and Bill got them drinks. Bill stood and leaned against the rail as the others sat.

"There is another chair?" Matty reminded him.

Bill laughed.

"Oh you mean the one full of gull shit."

In the distance a sound like a seagull laughing could be heard.

Jojo shook her head.

"Dat gull is almost human."


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"Dat gull is a pain in the ass," Bill laughed.

Again seagull laughter.

"Anyways, Bill, what Ise was trying to say is that all of us 'ere in the Bay want to say thank youse and wants youse and Matty to know that we will all do all that we can to make this thing  reality."

"That's sweet, Kenny," Matty smiled, as she put her hand on his arm.

"Knowing that you are all behind us makes it all worth while."

She reached across and took Bill's hand.

Jojo continued.

"Matty already knows dis, Bill, but we all wants youse to know it as well. The Bay is family. We are not the Johnstone's and the Rideout's and da Dove's or any of da other families. We are all part of the family known as Tuckamore Bay and youse are one of us and as one of us, youse has to know that we will always be there for youse. No matter what."

Bill could feel a tear forming in his eye.

"Thank you, Jojo. That does mean a lot."

Jojo sipped her drink, before continuing.

"The Bay is our world and we protect our own. Always had to and always will. There are no secrets in the Bay, yet the Bay be full of secrets.

We all just want youse to know that whatever needs to be done, will be done."

"That almost sound ominous," Bill laughed, feeling a little uncomfortable at the way the conversation was going.

Kenny shook his head.

"Jojo 'as a tendency to be just a little overdramatic. All she is saying is that we will all work together and if youse ever needs help with anyting, all youse has to do is ask."

Bill raised his glass.

"To family."

"To family," the others agreed, in unison.

As Kenny refilled the glasses, Jojo laughed.

"What's so funny?" Bill wondered.

"Something that 'enry Tucker told me the other day."

"And what was that?"

"He said that 'is general store buys more hundred pound anchors den any community on the coast."

Bill shrugged.

"What's so strange about that?"

Jojo stood and walked to Bill.

"Haven't you noticed anything about the Bay, Bill," she whispered, dramatically.

Bill simply shrugged, a little uncomfortably.

Jojo leaned in close to Bill's ear.

"There are no boats in the Bay."

Bill's face paled.

Matty rolled her eyes.

"For fuck sake Jojo, you shit. Leave my poor man alone."

Jojo started laughing and kissed Bill's cheek.

"Youse are too easy, Bill, me love."

She sat down amid the laugher of the four.

Suddenly Matty's face got very serious.

"But you know what?" she whispered, looking down at the lighthouse veranda floor.

She looked up at Bill, eyes wide open.

"She's right," she screamed out loud.

Bill jumped, spilling his drink all over himself, as the others laughed.

Matty kissed Bill on the lips.

"I love you, mainlander."

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