"Ise tinks that Jarge might have a girlfriend. Youse could be a grandfather soon."

Bill laughed.

"That would be just what Matty would want. More gulls in the house."

He shook his head.

"She wants me to build some kind of shelter outdoors for Jarge to stay in."

"Better than 'avin' him shit in the house," Kenny suggested.

Bill drew on his cigar.

"So, what brings you up to my secret getaway?"

"Not too secret there, Bill. Matty knew exactly where youse was. Her and Jojo are 'avin' a drink down in the house, with Nanny Dove.

Ise glad youse up here, actually. Nanny Dove kinda scares me. She did when she were alive and Ise still thinks she looks at me as little Kenny, who was always trying to kiss Matty."

"Oh really?" Bill exclaimed, suddenly interested.

"So you and Matty had a thing."

"Not really. We all hung out when we were younger and I guess I kinda had a thing for her, but in my teens my attention turned to Jojo and we have been together ever since."

"Jojo seems like she is a wonderful woman, at least the little I have seen of her. And I know that Matty thinks the world of her."

Kenny nodded.

"Them two 'ave been best friends since they was old enough to walk. Was breakin' Jojo's heart to tink dat we might 'ave to leave the Bay."

Kenny laughed, as he sipped his scotch.

"Ise tinks dat Jojo would rather see me leave then Matty."

Kenny turned to Bill and took a deep breath.

"That's kinda why I wanted to have a talk with youse, Bill."

"Is something wrong?"

"No. No.Not at all. Quite the opposite."

Kenny poured scotch in the two glasses again.

He thought for a moment before continuing.

"Ise just wanted to say thank you for all youse have done for the Bay."

"You don't have to thank me, Kenny."

"Yea, I do and so does every man, woman and child here in da Bay. If youse had not come along, Bill, dis 'ere place would 'ave been a ghost town in a couple years and all of us, 'ere in the Bay would be scattered, fuck knows where and our families torn apart."

"Well I am just happy that things are working out the way they are, Kenny. I don't want to see the Bay broken up anymore than you do. It is my home too."

Kenny nodded.

"It tis, Bill, but the ting is that youse can go anywhere in the world and be okay. Jojo and my kids would be lost without their family around and there would have been no way that I could have afforded to stay 'ere in the Bay.

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