Chapter Thirty-Three: Spring Breaking (March 17, 2014)

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     "Ugh, fuck me!" Anima groaned as she and Kishi trudged towards Mr. McKay's English I class early in the morning, "We didn't even get to do shit at all last week!"

     "That's not true," Kishi replied airily, "You were with your girlfriend Penelope a lot at the playground. That's something, isn't it?"

     Anima snorted and scoffed. "I'm not telling him that," she grumbled under her breath.

     "You probably won't have to," Kishi said, "I think today's pre-bell is just gonna be on wherever we left off on Romeo and Juliet." She sighed dreamily and added, "Forbidden love between two innocent teenagers-"

     And that was when they stumbled into the classroom and found out what the actual pre-bell assignment was.

     "Some of a fucking bitch!" Anima griped as she reluctantly dragged her feet towards her desk, which was at the front of the classroom where Mr

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     "Some of a fucking bitch!" Anima griped as she reluctantly dragged her feet towards her desk, which was at the front of the classroom where Mr. McKay could keep an eye on her. She looked around her and realized that she was sitting right inbetween Jeremy and Hailey in the aisle. She stood up the teeniest and saw Shibi still in the same place she was sitting at the whole time.

     "Psst, Shibi!" Anima whispered loudly, "Can I copy your pre-bell, please?"

     Shibi glared at Anima and shook her head, squinting her eyes and giving her the finger.

     "Oh, come on!" Anima pleaded, "We're neighbors, aren't we? And friends?"

     Still, Shibi shook her head and glared meanly. Her light brown eyes were burning holes into Anima's dark tan skin. What the fuck was up with that? What did Anima even do to hurt Shibi. She couldn't think of anything that she had done, unless...

     "You're not still mad at me for what happened during Christmas vacation, are you?" Anima asked.

     Shibi nodded and looked down at a sheet of notebook paper, harshly scribbling down words onto it. What a bitch!

     "Psst, Jeremy!" Anima whispered again, praying that her plan worked, "Can I copy your pre-bell?"

     Jeremy looked up at her and asked, "What the fuck for?"

     "Because I didn't do sh-" Anima paused and looked around all over the room just in case Shibi heard and was going to snitch on her for saying naughty words. "I didn't do anything for Spring Break."

     "Ain't my problem, bitch," Jeremy told her.

     Anima sighed heavily and dragged her feet back and forth. What the fuck was she going to do?! Pre-bell was going to end soon, and then what?! She didn't want McKay on her ass again, not after what had happened after Christmas break. "I'll give you five bucks if you tell me what you did over Spring Break."

     Jeremy sighed heavily and relented, hastily tossing a crumpled up piece of notebook towards Anima's desk. It said-

"Me and my girlfriend went to McDonald's and did it in a bathroom stall. My girl had a Big Mac with a small fry and a Diet Coke, and I had a Quarter Pounder with cheese with a large fry, a Dr. Pepper, and three chocolate chip cookies. My girl stole half of my fries and a cookie from me. I told her to get her own food, but she don't ever listen."

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