Chapter 11

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James POV:

My hair looks messy because I have been running my hand in it again and again. I feel utterly frustrated. Nothing gives me peace and I want to do nothing but take a cool shower. I feel like my whole body is on fire and I need to extinguish it before it burns me completely.

It's been more than a month since I have completely destroyed Alice. Last time I saw her was in graveyard and then I haven't seen her.

But I should not care whether she's alive or dead, right? But I have this strange restlessness which don't let me live in peace. My conscience makes me feel like I have committed a sin and I am running away from it rather than accepting it. 

I was feeling very upset and I called my friend Aaron who knows how to track people with the help of software he has learned and uses. He's in agency so it is easy for him to track people. First time I heard what my heart was saying, I asked him to get information about Alice. Where she is?

He couldn't track her down because her phone was switched off for a long time. Why the hell I am caring about her! She just paid for what she did. This was her fate. She should have been punished by law but she decided the other way. Either ways this was going to be her fate.

I don't care.

I explained this to myself but still I didn't get peace. My heart and brain were in continuous battle with each other. What if she harms herself? This thought doesn't settle well with me.

I called Aaron and asked him to keep a keen sight on her. When her location is tracked, he must inform me.

After a few days, he called and told me that she has moved into her mother's home. And he sent me the location. But what she told me was that her mother doesn't care about her and her mother's husband always tries to molest her, right? Then what she's doing there?

Did she lie to me to get my sympathies? This thought flared my nostrils. Anger bubbled inside me. I need to clear my head. I have taken my revenge. My plan was successfully executed then why the hell I am thinking about her? I cleared my head and stopped thinking about her or at least I tried to not to think about her.

I kept myself busy with my works. I daily went to jogging, court rooms and see the clients but the thought of Alice and about her well being kept bugging me. I wish I had control on my mind. My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Aaron who was calling me.

He told me that Alice left the home according to the location that he had tracked and the location she's now is a under construction area and it's very dangerous place to be. After that her phone is out of reach.

Now this was a thing that took my attention. I furrowed my eyebrows and started thinking that What she would be doing there? Why did she leave her mother's home? She went there to live for a long time then why?

Is Alice alright?

Eliza always used to quote a famous saying

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

What I did next was not under my control. I took my eyes and left for the area that Aaron told me. I need to see her and make sure that's she's okay.

Maybe she's in sort of danger? I couldn't save Eliza that I'm ashamed of but maybe saving a life would give me some peace. Thinking this I started driving fast.

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