Chapter 4

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I entered my apartment and slammed the door shut. I was breathing with pants. I was literally panting because I came running like a marathon. I wanted to run away from him. He followed me. He keeps an eye on everything I do, wherever I go he's watching me. I cleared the beads of sweat that I had on my forehead and gradually my breathe became normal. I turned attention of many people towards me because when I was running, I was looking like a psycho lady. Thank God hoodie covered my face and nobody was able to recognise me else paparazzi would have make a new issue out of it.

I went to washroom and washed my face and looked myself at mirror. I have lost weight since that accident and I didn't look the same. There are eye-bags under my eyes and my skin looks so pale like I have no blood in body left.

Now I should do something. I should seek help from someone to make them understand that I don't do drugs thing and all the accusations that I have on me are totally wrong and I have nothing to do with drugs scandal. I tried thinking about a person who would help me out in this.

Yeah! Nate. Nate will help me out in it. He's a very kind showstopper and I had also worked with him when I started my career. He was always kind to me. Maybe he would help me out. I hope so..

I quickly checked my handbag for phone and called him. I hope he lifts my call and doesn't ditch me like all the people have done. I called him for 5 times but he was not lifting my calls. A lone tear left my eye and rolled down my cheek..
Nobody is ready to help me out..

Disappointingly when I was about to keep my phone down in despair, I heard his voice as he lifted my call.
"Nate! Thank God you lifted my call. Nate I need your help. I want to meet you." I said. My voice had the edge of desperation.
But he didn't reply...

"Nate, are you hearing me?" I asked.
"Yes Alice I heard you in first place , but Alice I can't help you in it. You were convicted in front of everyone and now what do you expect me to do for you?" He replied.

"Nate please meet me once I know who's behind this all. Please for the sake of friendships that we had before." I begged him to give me a chance.
There was a long pause on the other side and I know he was comprehending that should give me a chance or not.
"Okay. Come to my office." He replied after a pause. I got so happy that he was ready to hear me. I desperately want a person who would believe me and my story. It is so big of him to even give me a chance because everyone is so scared to be even present near me. They are scared that my presence will ruin their reputation.

I wore the hoodie and very neatly covered my face so that no one would see me. I hope James will not be following me because he has already ruined my day when I was going to do groceries with the money that I'm left with.

I used my car and reached his office. I went inside and checked here and there for any sign of James or paparazzi. When I was sure that there's no one, I went inside and saw that Nate was sitting behind his desk and finalising some designs.
He saw me and got up. I rushed to him and hugged him. I really want support of someone. I want someone to be with me. He hugged me back and gave me a glass of water because I was crying.

"Alice, you need to stop crying. You came here to talk to me. We need to talk, right?" He coed me.
He was right. I came here to seek his help.

I told him that I have never ever in my whole life taken drugs. I don't even take any medicines unnecessarily. I told him that even I'm ready for my medical check up. If they found any signs of me being a drug-victim then I'll surely leave the industry. I can't let anyone destroy my hard work of years. I have worked a lot for this.
He was ready to help me and said that he will do what he can to persuade them. I'm sure he'll do something for me.

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