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Not all stories have happy endings. Not all stories are fairytale romances. Not all love stories are meant to make sense.

We all experience love differently. Love just happens, even in some of the oddest conditions. Sometimes you don't get to experience the Disney perfect love story. But no matter what the circumstances, cherish that love.




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Smoke billows around the two figures, large flames engulfing the crumbling building they resided in.

One man lay in pain on the floor, bleeding out from a wound on his stomach. The younger was collapsed onto his knees, tears clouding his hazel eyes.

"Calum, please! Please I c-can help you! You'll be f-fine! Please Calum! Please s-stay with me... don't go!" The curly haired man whimpered, crying into the older man chest. "Please don't go. Don't leave m-me."

"Ashton, my Angel. It is too late for me." The raven haired man whispered, making the younger scream and cry in protest.

"No! I-I can s-save y-you!" Ashton shouted, lifting his head up and trying to get access to the bleeding bullet wound.

"Angel," Calum's tan hands weakly take hold of Ashton's face, holding the younger man close to him. "Promise me you'll stay safe."

The hazel eyed man bit his lower lip, nodding his head slightly. The older man smiled contently, his grip growing weaker

"Ashton, you have to leave! Please, Angel!" Calum cries weakly, coughing violently as the smoke begins to cloud up the warehouse. The man winces, gripping his bleeding abdomen in pain. "Angel, please go."

"I-I can't, Calum." The curly toffee haired man stuttered, sobbing and gasping for air as the smoke began to thicken.

"You can if you go now! There is enough time for you to go! Please, Angel, baby." Calum whispered, growing weaker as blood began to pool around him and his lover.

Ashton violently shook his head, chocking on his sobs. "I'm not l-l-leaving you, Calum. I can't l-leave you."

"Please, Ashton. You need to live! You have so much to live for." The mafia boss insisted, reaching his hand out to cup Ashton's dimpled cheek. He ran the pad of his thumb under the crying man's eye, smearing away the tears that were tumbling down his cheeks like raindrops. The tears flicked away, landing in the puddle of Calum's blood, turning deep red.

"I-I am nothing without you, Calum. I can't leave you. I love you."

"I love you too, Angel. But please, save yourself."

"No! Back in Sicily you said that this business is family business! Family don't give up on each other!" Ashton paused, chocking silently as he watched the glow of the flames flicker in his dying lover's eyes. "You are my family, Calum! I'm not leaving you!"

"Please, Ashton... please go! Please go back to the city and live your life!" Calum insisted, but the younger wouldn't move.

"My life is with you, Calum. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Angel. So god damn much. I apologise for failing to protect you; for not keeping you safe."

Ashton leaned forward, capturing Calum's lips in a slow, soft kiss. The dying man lifted his hand to Ashton's waist, holding onto the innocent man he fell in love with. When they broke apart, the two smiled, and Ashton let out a soft watery giggle.

"I love you, Sir. If I am with you, I am always safe." Hazel met brown, and the spark began to grow as the flames grew higher.

Firey wisps danced above the two bodies, eating away at the beams of the warehouse. Crackling and creaking noises moaned from above as the building began to give up.

"I love too, Ashton. You will always be my adorable little Angel." Lips greeted each other while arms tangled together in one last tight hug, holding on to the one thing neither could live without.


In the distance, blue and green eyes watch with sorrow as the warehouse collapsed in on itself with a horrifying clatter.

"Brother..." they both whispered as they watched helplessly, clinging onto one another as the flames erupted.

One had lost family. The other had also lost his entire family.

"They were in love." Green eyes flickered, tears trickling down onto the snow. Blue eyes looked up and met green. "So damn in love."


"Love works in mysterious ways. But some how, it captured both the Angel and the Devil under it's spell. The lovers of the Mafia."

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