Chapter Twenty One

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I'm going to Pennsylvania to visit my grandparents for my grandma's 80th birthday so I don't know when I'll be updating next. Thus, a short new chapter today to hold off for the next few days.

All the love,



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Michael's PoV

"It's family business." I look over at my oldest friend. He had his arms wrapped around Ashton, keeping the smaller man secure.

Calum kept his lips in a tight line, forcing them to not show any emotions. His eyes were the same; hooded over with a dark look that hide any form of emotions.

But then he looked at the curly haired man who recently came into our lives, and his walls broke down.

The void looks melted away, showing the emotions I've never seen on my best friend until Ashton entered his life.

Those earthy brown eyes shined with pure adoration when Calum looked at Ashton. It was as if Ashton was a lifeline, keeping Calum's cold, dead, jet black heart beating.

And, truly, Ashton was just that.

Before Ashton, Calum gave no mercy to strangers. He didn't let people waste his time unless they had something to give, be it information or say in government.

Calum killed with no regrets.

Calum took money with no shame.

Calum sold illegal substances with no care.

Calum ruined so many lives, but never had a heart to stop.

To be honest, I was surprised when Calum lowered his gun on Ashton. I truly thought the poor lad wouldn't come out of that office alive, knowing Calum's temper and unforgiving personality.

No, Ashton was different. Perhaps it was his innocent demeanor that drew Calum in. Ashton was really a sight for sore eyes in our line of work; an innocent who care about you, even when they know what you are capable of.

Ashton really didn't have anything to offer Calum. The whole deal they made about Ashton being the gang medic was just a hoax on Calum's end. Hell, Calum practically owned the hospitals in the city. He had control over the 'owners'; well, they wouldn't want to loose their hefty donations from the man.

I suppose Calum saw it as a way to keep the boy close. What do you expect from a selfish man?

Never in my life have I seen Calum love anyone or anything. I began to believe he was just not capable of love, until Ashton came.

Calum's got a soft spot for that man.

"Clifford, you good?" Calum raised an eyebrow towards me, giving me an expecting look. I nod, trying to keep my smile at bay when I saw 'big boss' holding onto Ashton's hand.

"Yeah," I say, looking between the two. Ashton's thumb traced over Calum's knuckles, calming down the buff man. I watched as Calum turned his head to look at the hazel eyed man with a look of pure love.

They were meant for each other. Like I said before; Beauty and the Beast of New York.

"I'm good."

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