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No one's POV
(Y/n) is deaf. She got it at a young age with it so there's nothing much of it for all she cares right now is that she is glad she can see the beauty around and didn't care much of what things sounds like but the not so good part is that she didn't have much friends or even had someone to love so books are like friends to her, she reads a lot and it keeps her company at all times. Since mel have went to live with Owen in the aquarium they transferred her from sleeping in the Library to Abby's room to be her new roommate, she stood at the open door as she sees a woman putting her stuff next to her new bed and place the woman smiled at the deaf girl and she smiled back as a 'thank you' and walked in and sat at her officially bed with a book in her hands as she started to read doing her daily thing "oh you're the new roommate" Abby said but she didn't get a respond and didn't know the poor girl is deaf "uhh hello?" She asked but again no respond so she tapped her shoulder making (y/n) jump a bit in surprise "oh sorry I'm abby your roommate" Abby smiled at her and the deaf girl immediately pointed at her ear letting her know that she is deaf and can't hear her completely, Abby gave a surprise look and looked at the deaf girl fishing out her note book she uses as a Communication if someone needed her "sorry I didn't see you I'm deaf of course but I'm (y/n) please use this book if you need anything or just to talk to me about something" she wrote down and gave it to abby as she reads it giving her a smile, she took the pen from her and started to wrote down "my bad. I'm abby by the way your new roommate nice to meet you and cute name" (y/n) blushed and smiled more at what abby wrote "thank you and I like yours too cute and simple. Sorry for asking but What do you do?" (Y/n) asked and saw abby chucking at her question "I work here well I kill infected and scars and whatever out there that is our enemy or an outcast" the deaf girl nodded "I can see that now, you got guns" (y/n) giggled and blushed at that as Abby laughed nodding her head. (Y/n) really enjoying this conversation she is having with her she wants to learn more about her "friends?" The deaf wrote down with a bit of a hesitation making Abby frown a bit "of course. Best friends" abby saw the face of (y/n) completely glows with happiness while she clapped her hands like a child just got a lollipop from getting high grades "I'm blowing with happiness now! I always wanted a friend! but I didn't have one because of how much of a handful I can be for being deaf" and that is where Abby's heart broke as she reads it but gave her a little smile "who ever thought of that is an asshole. You are completely nice and amazing and you don't need hearing so you can be around people. I bet it's going to be an awesome journey to be your friend" abby smiled more as she saw (y/n) nod her head fast "indeed" Abby took a chance to look at her features and admired her beauty "you know? You're really pretty" abby blushed as she wrote that and kept her eyes down on the note book "so does you I mean I bet everyone is drooling over you" (y/n) giggled at the sentence that she wrote making Abby look at her with joy "I'll take that as a compliment" abby heard a knock and a door opening "yo abby let's go!" Manny said "I'll be right behind you! Give me a sec!" Abby said and quickly wrote down "it's my time to leave (y/n) I'll see you when I come back" (y/n) smiled at her "ok stay safe out there" she wrote down and looked up at Abby who stood up nodding her head and waved while taking her backpack making the deaf girl smile and waved back. She sure knows it's going to be an amazing journey.
That's all I got but hope you liked it!
Give me some more requests if you have one in mind!!!💞

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