character ask - answers

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- Calum

1) Are you and Melanie dating?

I believe so? I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend, but just assumed it was a given.

2) Why did you tell those lies about Mel?

We've been through this. It's in the past.

3) Why you gotta be like that?

Like what?

4) Are you aware of the song references you make?

I mostly do it to annoy Melanie.


- Melanie

1) Are you dating Cal?

Oh, god no. I'm just feeling really confused with everything right now.

2) Why are you so concerned about finding a spark?

I wish I knew. I think I'm trying to convince myself there was one with either Michael or Calum. To be honest, I would rather just move on from the ordeal; I think something is stopping me from doing that, however.

3) Why do you even like Calum?

I'm trying not to, to be honest.

4) Please date Michael.

I really don't think that's what I need right now.

5) Please get yourself together.

I'm trying.

6) How did you and Luke become friends in the first place?

We were really little and my mom was friends with his mom. She invited them over for a barbecue, and I really wasn't too keen on him because he had cooties, as far as I was concerned. He stole my juice box at some point in the evening, and we'be been inseparable ever since.

7) Did you ever consider dating Luke?

Our parents always wanted us to date, but we've never had any feelings for each other.

8) You're stubborn but I'm amused by your choices.

*Raven Baxter voice* That's me!


- Luke

1) How are things with Aries?

I haven't spoken to her in a little while.

2) Do you have a crush on Melanie?

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