Baby Talk

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This one is definitely shorter than the last one because this was one of those Instagram one shots.  But I'm not about to waste it, so here you go.  Also, I have some news at the end that I think you'll like.  Enjoy the one shot.

    "Good night, Zephyr," Hiccup said quietly, closing the door to her tiny bedroom, and breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't wake up.  He went downstairs and saw Astrid cleaning up all the toys Zephyr had left behind.
    "Is she asleep?" She asked when she saw him.
    "Yep, no trouble at all," he replied and started washing the dishes.  He noticed that something was off though.  Astrid appeared to be deep in thought about something, but kept deciding not to bring it up.  He considered asking, but decided to wait and see if she would tell him first.
    "I uh, I'm going to go get ready for bed," she said suddenly and quickly ran upstairs.  Hiccup frowned and hurried through the rest of the dishes.  Something was wrong and he was determined to find out what it was.  He went upstairs as quickly as he could without tripping, but found that Astrid was already laying in bed.
    "Astrid," he said quietly and sat beside her.  "I know something's up, what's wrong?"  She sat up and looked at him.
    "Get ready for bed first and I'll try to have a good explanation by the time you're done," she said and tried to smile.  Hiccup nodded and left her to think.  When he came back, Astrid was nervously playing with the blanket.
    "Okay now will you tell me what's bothering you?" He asked and grabbed her hands.  She looked up at him and nodded a little.
    "Have you thought about having another baby?" She asked nervously.
    "Is that what's got you all anxious?" He asked and chuckled.  Then a thought struck him.  "Wait you're not-?"
    "No, I'm not pregnant," she replied and laughed a little.  "I just, I don't know, I guess I just want Zephyr to have a brother or sister.  I know it's probably crazy, I mean she's barely two."  Hiccup smiled and shook his head.
    "It's not crazy at all," he said and pulled her against him.  "You know you can tell me anything right?"
    "Yeah, I guess I just didn't know how to tell you.  I mean we never exactly decided to have Zephyr, it just kind of happened," she replied and chuckled a little.  "I don't want her to be an only child like we were.  I want them to be close in age too so they can be close."  Hiccup smiled as he listened to her.  If he was being honest with himself, he had already been thinking about when they would have another child, but hearing that she actually wanted it was reassuring.  After a few minutes of silence, he finally spoke.
    "I agree with you, but I want to hear it directly," he said quietly.  She hugged him tightly and rested against his chest.
    "I want to have another baby," she said so softly he could barely hear.  A few months later, they were thrilled to find out that they were indeed adding another member to their family.

    First off, no this doesn't mean that she got pregnant that night, so get your mind out of the gutter.  Second, thank you so much for all your support on the last one shot.  Since several of you requested a part two, I've decided I'm going to do it.  I don't usually do requests, but I had already been considering writing a part two anyway so you guys just confirmed it.  It won't start directly after because I have a different idea for this part, but I feel pretty confident that you'll like it.  I'm not sure if it'll be done by next weekend but if it's not then it should be up by the next weekend.  And finally, thank you so much for 50k reads😱

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