Meet ____ Haddock part 1

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    "Now you be good for Uncle Dagur and Aunt Mala okay?" Astrid said and hugged her children tightly.  When they heard that Astrid was close to delivery, Dagur and Mala decided to come to New Berk to help out.  They were staying in a house nearby and volunteered to watch Zephyr and Nuffink so their parents could fully focus on making sure Astrid and the new baby were okay.
    "Don't worry, they'll be fine," Mala assured her.  Astrid smiled at her gratefully.
    "When we come back you'll have a new brother or sister," Hiccup said, taking his turn to hug them.
    "Good luck brother," Dagur said with a proud smile.
    "My part is easy.  It's Astrid who has the work to do," Hiccup replied, wrapping an arm around his wife.
    "Unless this baby is like Nuffink, then you'll have a lot of work to do," Astrid laughed.  Nuffink came when they were least expecting him and Hiccup had to deliver the baby himself.  They were determined to not let that happen again, so Heather, Valka, and Ingrid were all staying at their house in case Astrid went into labor early.  Astrid thought that it was a bit extreme, but it made Hiccup feel better so she didn't say much about it.
    "So, do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Dagur asked excitedly.
    "Boy."  Astrid glared at her husband.  This had been a constant debate for several months.
    "How many times do I have to tell you that it's a girl?  I'm the one carrying her after all," She argued.
    "You thought Zephyr would be a boy," Hiccup countered.
    "Babe, she is the first Haddock girl to be born for generations.  The odds were not exactly pointing to a girl."
    "But I was right and you were wrong."
    "Uh uh, not so fast.  I was right that Nuffink was a boy," Astrid retorted, feeling rather proud of herself.
    "Then this little boy is our tiebreaker," Hiccup said, resting a hand on her stomach.
    "Oh, you're going to regret you said that when you're holding your second daughter." Hiccup just shook his head and laughed at how many times they've had this conversation in the past few months.
    "Well I guess you'll find out soon," Mala said, being sure not to make it sound like she was taking either's side.  "Good luck to you both."  They continued arguing all the way back home, making several villagers laugh as they overheard what they were arguing about.
    "Oh my Thor are you two still at it?" Heather groaned when they walked in.  "If I could make money off every time you've had this argument, I'd been the richest woman in the world."
    "And you'd spend it all on your family," Astrid replied, rubbing her stomach absentmindedly.  It was amazing how being mothers had completely changed them both.  They no longer cared to spoil themselves, though their husbands had that pretty well covered, all they wanted was to make their children happy.
    "Oh stop trying to change the subject," Heather said crossing her arms.  "You two have been having this debate for way too long and you haven't even thought to put a that bickering to, oh I don't know, maybe picking out names!"  This shut them up in a hurry and they stared at each other blankly.  Heather saw this and her eyes widened.  "Please don't tell me you haven't thought about this?!"  The looks she got was all the answer she needed.  "Oh my Thor, okay, so we avoid yet another argument, Hiccup should pick the name if it's a boy, and Astrid if it's a girl, agreed?"  Both nodded, if for no other reason than to calm Heather down.  Though her idea wasn't actually bad, in fact, they both had names in their minds, they just hadn't discussed them before.
    Just then, Ingrid and Valka came back with another huge load of clean blankets and towels.
    "Oh good you're back," Ingrid said when she saw her daughter.  "Now back up to bed with you."
    "Mom, I'm fine," Astrid groaned.  After Nuffink's surprise birth, her mother was determined to never let that happen again, which meant over protective to the extreme.  Even Hiccup wasn't this bad anymore.  This was their third child, and having delivered one himself, he felt pretty calm this time around.
    "But you've been having consistent contractions since last night.  You're supposed to be on bed rest."
    "Mom, the more I walk around, the sooner this baby gets out of me, and I'm very much ready to not be pregnant," Astrid replied, way more aggressive than she normally would have, but Ingrid didn't mind because she knew it was just her hormones going crazy.
    "Which is why you went to drop off the kids," Ingrid replied in a 'I'm still your mother and you're going to listen' voice.
    "Hiccup, please tell her I'm fine!"  Poor Hiccup would loose either way and he knew it.
    "If you want to walk, going up and down the stairs would probably be the most effective as far as helping things progress," he said hesitantly.  "But if you want to go out tomorrow, if the baby doesn't come of course, you can if one of us is with you."  Astrid groaned, but it was better than being on bed rest.
    "Fine, but-"
    "However, you need to rest for a little while first."
    "Hiccup, you were supposed to be on my side!"  He laughed and hugged her as best he could with her very big stomach.
    "I am, I'm doing what's best for you and the baby," he whispered, kissing her forehead.  He felt her relax, and lean into him.
    "Will you stay?" She asked and looked up at him.  He looked at her with an expression that said, 'as if you even needed to ask.'  She smiled and went upstairs, Hiccup close behind to help her.  They changed into more comfortable clothes and climbed in bed to get as much rest as possible before sleep became a thing of the past again.
    "Can you believe we're going to have three kids?" Astrid said almost without realizing it.
    "Sometimes I can't believe we have kids at all," he admitted.  "Some days I feel like I'm back on Old Berk and the village disappointment.  But then I wake up to you and the kids and I remember how amazing my life is now."  Astrid leaned back against him, but the sweet moment was interrupted by another contraction.  She squeezed his hand tightly and tried to focus on breathing rather than the pain.
    "Oh gods I forgot how much this hurts," she gasped when the contraction was over.
    "This one seems much slower than Zephyr and Nuffink," Hiccup commented.  Astrid nodded confirmation and sat up again.
    "Yep, and I want to speed things up a little."  She walked toward the stairs, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.  "You coming?"  He nodded and followed her downstairs.

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