3 - The Roaring 20s...

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"Make no mistake, I live in a prison

That I built myself, it is my religion

And they say that I am the sick boy
Easy to say, when you don't take the risk, boy

Welcome to the narcissism"

- Sick Boy - Chainsmokers.

The seaside Birmingham, 1919

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The seaside Birmingham, 1919.

The unconscious body of Leia Rose Gomez was found on a shore of the Birmingham seas. As an old couple were on their daily stroll the old woman Annalise stopped in shock.

"We can't just take a stray Annalise! She's not a dog she's a bloody human being!"

"I know but look at what she's wearing, that's a cry for help. Look at this girl she had no one. And if you won't agree then I'll just take her in myself."

With Marco her husband joining her side they began to bicker between themselves.

But just like always Marco knew he would never win against the love of his life.

No matter what she did he would always cave in.

For her.

"Come of then we'll carry her to the car. We can drop her off at the camp. I heard rumours that Polly Gray herself is looking of a girl that is dressed different but is immensely beautiful. Maybe thats her and if so then the Shelbys will be in our debt."

Annalise concluded as Marco grunted picking Leia up in his arms as they made their way to the car.


Small heath, Birmingham.

The betting shop owned by the Shelbys was like always buzzing with life which filled the business with a lot of money.

Making the Shelby's kings and queens of Birmingham. This was the ultimate aim of Thomas. But even a king like him knew that he would only have all of his kingdom when his enemies are ten feet under.

The structure of the office made it very clear who was in a position of power.

Lizzie Stark sat at the beginning of the room dealing with betting slips.

Danger of time (Thomas Shelby) Book 2 In the Impossibles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now