10 - Battle of Birmingham

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"We keep behind closed doors

Every time I see you I die a little more

Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls

It'll never be enough

It's obvious you're meant for me

Every piece of you it just fits perfectly

Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep

But I'll never show it on my face

But we know this, we got a love that is hopeless

Why can't you hold me in the street?

Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?

I wish that it could be like that"

-Secret Love Song- Little mix.

Small heath, Birmingham, two months later

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Small heath, Birmingham, two months later..

Two months had passed by like an high speed race.

Two months since their first kiss and match off before the entire family.

After the dinner Thomas found Arthur giving him some brotherly advice 'You make you not to let her go Tom.' And those words had stuck in Tommy's brain like the tobacco in his lungs.

Because now to him she was his oxygen the air he needed in order to survive.

Much to his dismay Leia didn't want their relationship to be public gossip yet, so he agreed to keep it a secret until the move against Billy Kimber.

After all once she looked into his eyes and smiled brightly how could he ever resist fullfilling her wishes.

During the span of two short months Thomas and Leia would steal moments wherever they could.

Small kisses and longing looks once Thomas even managed to arrage dinner at the stables. Leia would not forget that night for as long as she lives because that was the night he taught her how to rise his mothers horse.

If she closed her eyes now she could still remeber his warn touch against her waist as her back was pressed up against his chest as they slowly rode down the streets of Birmingham with nothing but the night sky lighting up their way.

Now Leia sat behind her desk as part of her daily routine her fingers gently rubbing the skin at the back of her neck as she concentrated on completing the invoices for this months whiskey deliveries.

Danger of time (Thomas Shelby) Book 2 In the Impossibles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now