17- Blurred line territory

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"I was as pure as a river
But now I think I'm possessed

You put a fever inside me
And I've been cold since you left

I've got a boyfriend now and he's made of gold
And you've got your own mistakes in a bed at home

I'm hoping you could save me now, but you break and fold

You've got a fire inside, but your heart's so cold"

-Halsey- Haunting

Richington estate, Surrey, England

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Richington estate, Surrey, England.

Leia stood inside the safe confines of her estate watching as the rain poured and began to bash against the precious glass of the windows. Realizing what kind of situation she was in right cause her body to go numb yet her mind was racing at the speed of light.

As both men she allowed to stay as guest in her estate sat within the middle of a large sofa facing opposite each other.

Their posture began dim Leia's femininity as masculine sprang out of them both. She felt suffocated even with her back turned on them.

"Ma'am, the rooms for Mr Shelby are ready and made."

"Thank you Florence you may retire for the day." Leia nodded.

"Good night gentlemen." And with and a determined attitude Leia sprang from the living room making her way into her large rooms locking the door the exact second her hand touched the handle.

With the images of tonight's events running through her mind Leia finally understood in its fullness what had her life had actually come to. And began to laugh hysterically she had almost forgotten who she was in the future were she came from.

A daughter.

A friend.

A student.

And now she was an entirely different person someone who was suffering from the worst pain. Heartbreak.

As tears ran down her cheeks leaving numerous streaks in their wake she tucked herself in the comfort of the silk sheets. As she closed her eyes the lullaby her mother sang for her rang though her ears as she was lulled to deep sleep.

Feeling nothing but utter happiness Leia walked down the aisle of Westminster abbey with a mixed bouquet of white roses and lilies in her right hand and her left was intertwined with Arthur's.

Danger of time (Thomas Shelby) Book 2 In the Impossibles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now