16- Crash And Burn

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"Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side
And so, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy

Cause I ain't got patience
To slow down the bass
All your girlfriends are wasted
They need it, they chase

Face it
You want it, you crave it
Believe when I say that you'll know once you taste it

All of your friends have been here for too long
They must be waiting for you to move on

Girl, I'm not with it, I'm way too far gone
I'm not ready, eyes heavy now"

-Chase Atlantic - Friends

The auction house, Doncaster

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The auction house, Doncaster.

As she took the centre stage with a painted smile and her perfectly rehearsed stance, portrayed the perfect balance between authority and kindness.

"Good evening everyone." She took a pause and smiled. Although she was more nervous than she thought she would be presenting to such a large crowd.

But just like everything she now did she had the perfect teacher and for the cause she would be nothing but perfection.

"Now as you all probably know that this particular horse I have the privilege to present before you today  was indeed the kings favourite before I persuaded him to give her up for a good cause." Just like her lessons she stopped and made eye contact with a few members of the auction who were watching her from above.

"And what a persuasion it was... It took a lot of whiskey and champagne to get my cousin his majesty the king to agree in giving her up." The audience from up high laughed heartily as she giggled.

Watching her from above he never taught he would ever see her smile again. But this was a chance Thomas Shelby would never give up.

This time he would fight for her.

"But even our king knows how much money would be raised in giving his prized horse up so that homeless children would no longer have to spend one more minute trying to survive on the cold streets of our England." Now she was passionate it was as clear as day in her voice.

Raising her hands as she spoke only maximised her dedication to the cause "Those children who were unfortunate to loose their mothers and fathers and have no one left should be playing with others their age and devouring the great education system England had to offer. As an orphan myself I can safely say that the higher this prize mare is sold for the more effective this cause will become and soon all children will be safe, happy and merry once more."

Danger of time (Thomas Shelby) Book 2 In the Impossibles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now