Chapter 24 (Written by Kitkat. Edited by Felicia)

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened as I saw the girl that was in my dream. It's funny. Now I remember where I saw her! She was with Ashlee that day I ran into them at the mall!

I remember her now! She was the girl! She was the one! She was the one that I saw and I knew that I was in love with her instantly.

*Sarah's pov*

That was so hilarious! Louis came down stairs and asked us where our carrots were because Zayn had told Louis we had carrots.

We had to break it to him and tell him that we were sorry but the carrots are out of service today until we were done eating. I couldn't believe Zayn didn't realize we were eating sandwiches.

"Hey guys I just realized something, we better get back to the rooms." I said.

"Why?" they all asked.

"What is Louis' title again?" I asked in return.

"Prankmaster from Doncaster," Felicia replied with a faint smile.

"Wh- Ohhhhhhh," they all began.

"Yeah and what do pranksters do best? They troll. What if they troll our layouts and things?" We all ran into different rooms to keep them safe.

Felicia's room was the most important of all because it contained every detail of the layout design that was drawn and every design drawn. It was what helped us choose which outfit was best. We had Felicia in there with Ashlee, while the rest of us took turns shifting rooms.

I got to distracted out in the hallway. Another thing with Felicia's room is that it contained the shoes. They were the special shoes. I started to wonder. What if I called a girls meeting? Hmmmm. Lets try this.

"GIRLS MEETING IN THE HALLWAY!" I yelled and they all came running to me. I feel powerful!


"Amatures," Felicia mumbled.

The girls looked at me in expectancy. "Ok, I bet you're wondering why I have brought you here." They nodded their heads and I continued. "Well it's 2:30pm and I wanted to know if any decisions have been made," I paused looking at the girls in charge.

Ashlee and Felicia spoke up. "We were looking at the designs and liked the third one best." I nodded.

We skipped the whole Kitkat thing with were using her dress because her dress was extremely girly and Michal refused even hold it up to herself.

In the dress room the girls decided that they are going to go with Jenni's dress that had the flowers. It wasn't too frilly or girly. It was just a dress that was blue and had flowers.

In the hair room they decided that they were going to curl Michal's hair and for the makeup room they decided that the pinkish purplish lip gloss from Mary Kay would be just fine. For the eyes they were going to use Professions for eyeshadow. The color was blue. Mascara was going to be Revolon and black of course. For the eyeliner, they were using Professions and it was also black.

"How does this just match the third layout?" I asked them.

They told me, "There's a new thing called texting." And I was like, "Ohhh duh!" Then I asked them for their numbers so we can keep in touch and meet up somewhere again.

*Ashlee's pov*

Wow! We were so caught up with the whole 'Michal date' thing that I almost forgot about Kitkat. Ehhh, whatever! I'll pick her up later. Or maybe now, so she can tell us everything about being with Josh. I mean, I was already running late to pick her up.

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