Chapter 12

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*Felicia's pov.*

"Hey! That was my pizza!!!" Niall yelled as I took a bite of a piece the boys were arguing over for about fifteen minutes.

"Sorry, but you were taking too long and I was hungry. You snooze you lose." I smirked while the others laughed. Niall just pouted.

"Aw! Is my poor little Nialler hungry?" Maddie said jokingly. Niall nodded and Maddie handed him a pizza the stewardess brought in while the boys were arguing. Niall's eyes widened like he was like a boy on Christmas Day!

"YAY! FOOD!!!" Niall jumped.

"I'm boooorrrreeeeddd!" Harry stated as Niall stuffed his face.

"Let's play truth or dare." Zayn suggested. Oh no, I don't play truth or dare. I don't like people asking personal questions. Katí flashed me a worried smile. She knew how I felt about playing this game.

I haven't exactly had the best past. I lived with my grandparents, which was the one of the very few good parts. The bad ones are I have asthma, a disease of the lungs which I was born with, I almost never saw my mom. She wanted nothing to do with me. She was so into the drug world and when I was finally able to see her she was totally gone from the world. She wasn't dead, oh no! She was just totally out of it. And to top it all off, I have an obsessive and psycho ex-boyfriend. So yeah, you get where I'm coming from, right?

"Uh... I think I'll work a puzzle or something instead," I said and everyone nodded. Wow, that was surprisingly easy. Or so I thought...

"Hey, I'll come with you," Louis volunteered and all the other boys gasped.

"Lou... are you okay?" Liam asked slowly.

"Yes, are you okay?" Louis asked, obviously confused. "Why?"

"Because you don't want to play. You're the life of the game and you always want to play," Harry said slower that Liam.

"Oh, well I just don't feel like playing today," Louis said as he pulled me to another, quieter section of seats on the plane. "Okay, so what puzzle?"

I sighed. "I don't know, I just wanted an excuse not to play that game," I replied staring at the floor as I made my way to a seat. We were on One Direction's private jet, which had groups of seating separated into sections. Where we had been with everyone else looked more like a sitting room of a house, but the part of the plane where Louis and I had gone looked more like a traditional seating arrangement you would find on a plane. 

Louis gave me a weird look. "Why wouldn't you want to play truth or dare? Its life's greatest game!" he exaggerated.

"I just don't like it because if I choose Dare I have to do stupid stuff, and if I choose truth, I have to tell everyone about things I'd rather not talk about." I replied to Lou, who was now sitting next to me.

"Why?" he asked. Great! Now I have to tell him about everything. Wait, should I? I can trust him right? I mean only Maddie and Katí knew.

"Because..." I sighed and began to tell him all about my past and all the things in between. My life was truly a lot better since I cut ties with my mom. I still keep in touch with my grandparents and call them every day, but they moved out of state after I graduated high school and moved out.

Louis was silent and just stared at the floor talking in everything I had just said. "Wow, Felicia... I had no clue... why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked.

"Because, I was afraid that people would think less of me since I was different." I felt a tear falling down my cheek, its salt causing my skin to tingle. He probably wouldn't want to be my friend. Katí and Maddie stayed my friends because they lived it all with me, but Louis? He was going to leave me in the dust the minute he saw all my baggage. 

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