Chapter 4: End of the Verses of Jean Prouvaire

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A/N: I have structured out the rest of the novel!  There will be 10 chapters in this section, plus an epilogue.  We are reaching the end, amis!!!

I was so happy to include actual passages from the Brick in this part...

Trigger warning: More war suspense and killing.  Please read at your own risk.

~Vive La France~

"Hey.  Hey.  Shhhhh, Avenir, it's going to be ok.  Hey.  Wake up now," whispered a familiar voice.

"J-Joly?" I stammered, my eyes still closed

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"J-Joly?" I stammered, my eyes still closed.

"Shhhhh...I know it hurts, I know."

"Wha-hurts?" I said, groggy.

"I just wrapped your arm.  A bullet grazed a nice nick in your right arm, I just cleaned your wound and bandaged it.  You'll be fine, so long as we keep an eye on it.  You need to get back to Enjolras."

"M'not going back," I muttered.  

"What?  Avenir, you are stronger than this, whatever is the matter?"

"She's gone.  'Ponine...I told her not to go, an' Enjolras is losing focus 'cause of me," I said, still slurring my words.  "M'a distraction."

"Nonsense," shouted Joly.  "He loves you, we all do, and we need you back!  Do you know whose name Éponine was calling for, as she gasped her last breaths of life?  It wasn't Marius's.  


 She was calling your name, telling you to hold on."


"She was calling out for you, telling you to protect her brother

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"She was calling out for you, telling you to protect her brother.  Begging you to watch over him.  And when there was no answer, Enjolras stepped forward to promise her his protection over Gavroche.  

But she wasn't done there, she knew you had left.  I was trying to save her, cleanse her wounds...but she turned to me and said to go and save you instead.  That nothing would save her...but that you might be saved.  So I left, snuck out here...and here I am.  But before I left, I heard her whisper to Enjolras that he should hold onto you, to love you with all his being, because she knew you loved him so much and was so afraid of losing him.

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