Chapter 21: A Walk

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Trigger Warning: Sad Jehan stuff, read at your own comfort level, please.

"No.  No, you didn't do that..." gasped Enjolras, letting go of me quickly and looking scared.

"Well...I wished to believe.  In you, in this," I said, gesturing to the Parisian world around me.  "That was technically all I wished for, and I ended up visiting you in your youth.  But then I was talking to Lamarque, and he...well, you are aware.  He can travel too, like Jehan and myself.  He knows our futures, and he told me there is great danger in knowing too much.  Then he asked me, if I could save one of the amis, who would I save, and I said you without hesitating.  And he didn't correct me.  I - please say something, Enjolras."

He was leaning against a column of the Bastille, slowly shaking his head.  "So I too am condemned to death.  I feel as if some part of me always knew."

"Not condemned, Enjolras.  That's not your fate."

"Why wouldn't..." his voice caught.  "Why wouldn't you save your brother instead?"

"Enjolras, I saw him die.  Lamarque said once deaths happen, you cannot stop them.  Jehan's had already happened.  But you, Enjolras, are safe.  You don't have my abilities to travel through time, you know the dangers of the butterfly effect...  You are safe."

"That makes no sense!" exclaimed Enjolras.  "Then why save me at all?"

"The book, Enjolras.  The one I showed you when you were little.  Someone wrote about your future, Enjolras, in that book.  You went down in history as dying a violent, though honorable death on the barricades."

"So we will build a barrier of some sort," said Enjolras.

"Yes," I said, shocked that he didn't know this.  "You were greatly outnumbered, they sent the National, I shouldn't be telling you this."  I stared at the ground.

By this point, we had walked to the steps of the Bastille and Enjolras sat down.  He put a quiet hand on my shoulder and looked me dead in the eye.  "Please tell me, Avenir."

"Enjolras, I

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"Enjolras, I..I can't, I just can't, just know that's why I'm here, and I'll help you in any way that I can."

"Who else?  Who else died alongside me?" he said, his eyes never leaving my face.

I put my head in my hands, as quiet tears began to stream down my face.

"Who?  I need to know."

I just shook my head.

"Everyone?  Everyone died," he said.

"Marius," I whispered.  "Survived."

Enjolras started.  His blue eyes grew bewildered, and full of pain.  I stared down, shuddering at the weight of what I had just said, and praying I hadn't ruined everything.

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