Chapter 2: The Raid/Building the Barricade

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We burst through the doors of the Bastille, my sword drawn and Courf's pistol at the ready.   We charged down the halls, and I took the lead, following our plan.

Left, right, right, right, left, left again...

I knew we were at the right place when I saw two guards, knocked out and on the ground, lying in the doorway.

Bahorel leapt suddenly out of the entryway, Feuilly close on his heels.  They had sacks of ammunition slung over their shoulders.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Bahorel screamed, as he charged away from us.

"SORRY, RESCUE MISSION!" I said, halting in my tracks.  "WHERE DO WE GO TO HELP?"


We charged through the now barren first level of ammunition, and charged down the stairs.  

Jehan and Grantaire had done their job well.  5 levels once stuffed to the brim with ammunition, gone.   

At the second to last level, we stopped. 

Jean Prouvaire, Combeferre, and Enjolras were stuffing sacks full of ammunition, passing them on to Bossuet, Joly, Marius...even Éponine had showed.

"Courf, Avenir, we don't have much time!" shouted Combeferre.  "Grab a sack, and go to the Corinthe!  We won't have time to do the first level!

  "Grab a sack, and go to the Corinthe!  We won't have time to do the first level!

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Courf immediately grabbed a sack of ammunition and sprinted out.  I stood rooted in place.  "Where are the soldiers?"

"Unconscious or in the square, now let's MOVE!"

"No," I said.  "Something is wrong here.  Something is very wrong...there are no soldiers."

And that's when they came from all ends, closing us in: legions upon legions of soldiers, swords drawn.

Enjolras quickly drew his pistol and knocked out three of them.

"GRAB WHAT YOU CAN AND GO!" screamed Combeferre, knocking out two more."

There was still one more floor left...we were outnumbered.  I had to get ammunition from the last floor...

I charged toward the staircase which led down to the first floor, wiping out the soldiers pouring through the opening, one after the other, with my rapier.  

There were too many.  I couldn't hold them off much longer.  I couldn't get to the ammunition down there.

Looking across the way, I saw Enjolras run out of bullets, and Combeferre covering for him.  We were losing, and we only had a matter of seconds.

Quickly and rashly, I grabbed a torch off the wall, and threw it down the stairs.  The ammunition would catch fire, and explosion.  

Backing away from the soldiers, I yelled in my loudest voice, "FIRE ON THE FIRST FLOOR!  RUN IF YOU CHERISH YOUR LIFE!"

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