Chapter 12: The First Rally

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A/N: Keeping this super canon...Les Amis were not inclusive of women, but don't worry, that will soon change!

P.S. Find the "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" reference :)

~Vive La France~

"Wake up, wake up! AVENIR! WAKE UUUUP!" a little voice was fiercely shouting.

"Enjolras? Wha? –" I opened my eyes and found myself nose-to-nose with Gavroche.

"AAH! Gav, what are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize! 'bout last night, I shouldn' have forced you..."

"Gavroche, you came all the way back here to apologize?"

He seemed sheepish for the first time... "Yeah...I couldn' leave it unsolved. I don't have much patience, an' I guess I havta get betta' at that..."

"That's all right and fine, I'm just glad you're safe from Javert..."

"How d'you know him?"

"Well, I don't, really and frankly I don't trust him. I see how mean he can be and I just keep trying to get him to be a little nicer, Gav. I'd like to think that everyone has a heart, we just have to find it."

"Tha's so wise, Avvi, you hava way with words."

"Thank you...uh...Gavvi? What time is it?"

"6 AM."

"You woke me up at 6 AM?"

"Well, the rally starts at 10. Courf and Marius are preppin', an' we gotta get ready..."

"Rally, what rally...OH! THE RALLY!"

I jumped up out of bed. "We have to go get breakfast!"

"Tha's what I'm tryin' to tell you, Courf an' Marius hav' a head start, they are gonna meet us there!"

I quickly got ready for the day, and before I knew it, Gavroche and I were grabbing breakfast at the Musain, once again on the house thanks to Madame Hucheloup. Something seemed strange.  The morning before a rally, it seemed...rather quiet.

I looked around – no students, anywhere?

"Gavroche. Where is everyone?"

"They're already down at th' Bastille, why?"

"Something is not right. Why don't they invite me, Gavroche?"

"I dunno, they don' wan' me there, cos I'm a kid.  Tha's why I came to see you."

"And why shouldn't you be allowed to go," I said, seething. "Let me ask you this – why am I not allowed there? I'll tell you – because I'm a woman, and they can't see it fit to have women involved in their precious rebellion. Women and children should be allowed to join, but for some reason, your friends don't seem as friendly as they outwardly seem."

"Well, why don't you take it up with-" Gavroche said, at the same time that I said, "And the only person who might be on my side about this is-"

"Enjolras," we both said.

"Yes, he will stop this nonsense. He will make them see that I am worthy to fight in the cause! What time is it, Gav?"

"Time for change! Time for us t' take a stand!"

It was 9:00 AM, but I liked Gavroche's answer better. "You're right, Gav! Let's go to my first rally!"

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