32| You broke my heart T.H

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Please send in requests for me to write!!! It would help a lot as recently I've come across writers block. Even just a small idea would be great, and I will give credit xx

Hope you enjoy
Don't forget to vote and comment <3


You sat swallowed in endless amounts of blankets, a bowl of now melted ice cream was placed on the oak table in front of you. Day old tissues were scattered around the floor beneath you.

To sum it all up, you had broken up with your boyfriend. He had been away filming for a movie and after shooting he had gotten drunk. He then also took a girl back to his hotel. When he got home, he lied to you about it even though the proof was right in front of your eyes.


You patiently waited for Tom to arrive home, endless tabloids and newspapers were laid out on the table near you. You couldn't believe what you'd read.

Tears brimmed your eyes as the sound of the door opening disturbed the silence.
Tom: love I'm home!
You could hear the smile in his voice, normally you'd smile also, but not this time.

He walked straight past the arrangement of 'proof' as if it wasn't there and leant in for a kiss instead. You turned your head just in time, his lips brushing against your cheek instead.
Tom: darling, what's wrong?
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at his words.
Y/n: what's wrong?
You whispered, a hint of anger threatening to burst any second.

Walking over to the table, your eyes re-read the newspapers. The ache in your heart didn't seem to want to disappear. Your turned around, facing him yet again, your back turned against the pieces of evidence.
Y/n: do you have anything you'd like to tell me?
He swallowed thickly, rubbing his palms together. You could read him like the back of your hand; he was nervous.
Tom: n-no, why?
Stepping aside form the table, you allowed him to get a read of what was making you upset. You watched as he bought his hand to his mouth. Biting his nails was also another nervous habit, you swore you could hear his heartbeat rise almost immediately at the sight of the large picture in the front of the newspaper.

A tall skinny blond, clinging onto him for dear life. His hand wrapped firmly around her waist, a daring smirk played out on his lips. The headline read ' MOVIE STAR TOM HOLLAND SPOTTED WITH MYSTERY BLONDE. HAS Y/N Y/L/N BEEN REPLACED?' You watched as the colour drained from his face, eyes now flickering to the picture of the mystery blonde leaving the hotel he had stayed at; her dress was barely wearable anymore, hair crazy and multiple marks on her neck.

You but on the inside of your cheek so as to not starting crying.
Y/n: now, I'll ask you again. Do you have anything you'd like to tell me?
Tom: I...I don't know what I can say...I was drunk and it was a bad mistake and-
Y/n: a bad mistake?!
You snapped.
Y/n: kissing someone is one thing, but taking them back to your bed just to fill your needs is not a mistake!
The room was deadly quiet, he stood there with wide eyes, unsure of what to say.
Y/n: do you know how stupid this makes me look?! Do know how pathetic and worthless this makes me feel?!
The tears had made an appearance now, your hands were shaking with anger.
Y/n: and I thought you were better then that Tom.
You barely whispered, sobs soon to take over your body.

He stepped towards you, hands reaching to touch you.
Tom: listen, I-
Y/n: no! Don't touch me!
You cut him off. His hands altered to his sides as he continued.
Tom: y/n, I never meant to hurt you...
You had been contemplating what to do since you'd found out the news.
Y/n: Tom just get out.
Tom: what?!
Y/n: get out! Please...I don't want to see you.
He let out a sigh before grabbing his jacket and keys. The sound of the door slamming was the only reassurance you had that he was gone before you sunk to the floor on your knees. Cries racking your body, as you tried to think why you deserved this.

*end of flashback*

So there you were, wallowing in your own self pity. Not even a sorry had been heard.

You winced at the thought of him with someone else, the thought of him doing stuff with other people that was only meant to be shared between the two of you.

But you still loved him, even though he broke your heart.

Time skip...

You heard someone knock at the door but you ignored it. Someone knocked again so you got up and opened the door slowly. You hoped it wasn't who you thought it was.

It was Tom.

You looked him straight in the eyes as he did yours.
Tom: y/n, I'm sorry I...
He looked at you and you broke down crying. You put your hands over your face so he couldn't see you, but he grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug as you cried into his shoulder. You both stood outside your door, you crying in his arms. The guys arms who you loved. He knew he'd messed up forever, he knew you could never love him again.

You looked up at his eyes, feeling angry and hate towards him. You didn't even see the same person anymore.
Y/n: I hate you.
You whispered. Choking on your tears, you pushed him away from you.
Tom: I know y/n...let it all out.
He knew you needed this, you needed to let go of all your emotions so he let it happen.

You pushed his shoulders over and over again.
Y/n: I hate you.
You repeated. You began punching him in the chest as he stood there, but soon your punches became weaker and weaker as your arms became tired and your anger faded away. Until all you could do was stand there, your head resting against his chest.

Your cheeks were red and your eyes were puffy from crying. You felt weak and helpless, you calmed down and looked at your feet. Tom held up your chin with his hand and looked at you, inside he was broken but he didn't want to show it.
Tom: I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean for any of it to happen! I love you y/n, so much you don't even understand.
His voice broke, now it was his turn to cry, a tear rolled done his cheek. His emotions were breaking free, you grabbed his hands and held them in yours.

You rested your head against his and took a shaky breath.
Y/n: I forgive you.
He pulled back and looked at your face, you wiped away his tears with your thumbs.
Y/n: I love you...

Hope you enjoyed this one!!!
Remember please do give requests if you have any.

- A

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