8| Pancakes..? T.H

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A/N: this is my smut but gets a little bit heated, also I've never really wrote this stuff before so it might not be perfect.

You woke up to the feeling of arms wrapped tight around your waist. Rolling over, you checked the time on your phone, it was 11:37. You yawned and faced your boyfriend Tom. His face looked all cute when he was sleeping, you kissed his cheek in a tired attempt to wake him up.
Y/n: Tom, get up. It's nearly afternoon!
You tried to sit up and get out of bed, but Tom kept a firm grip on you.
Tom: five more minutes, please.
He poured, his eyes still shut. How could you say no to him?
Y/n: fine.

Time skip...

You eventually got out of bed and put on one of Toms shirts. He was still peacefully asleep in bed, you rolled your eyes at him and smiled.

To try and lure him out of bed, you started to make pancakes, starting with the batter. You hoped that when you started frying them he would wake up. It was pretty easy to make them, meaning finished making the batter within a couple of minutes.

You heard a sound of shuffling feet against the floor as you began measuring out the batter. There stood Tom, wearing only sweatpants. You blushed and turned away, luckily he didn't notice.
Tom: good morning darling.
He yawned, and you giggled.
Y/n: try afternoon.
You smiled and put the first pancake into the frying pan. A pair of strong arms snakes their way around your waist.
Tom: smells good.
Y/n: Thankyou.
You turned your head so that you could quickly peck his lips.

You walked to the cupboard to grab a plate, ready for the firsts pancake to be done. You heard Tom lightly chuckle, his laugh made your heart flutter.
Tom: wearing my shirt again I see...
Y/n: mhm.
You mumbled, placing the plates on the table.
Tom: looks better on you every time.
He smirked, aiding you again to blush like crazy.
Tom: am I making you blush darling?
Y/n: stoooop!
You whined, blushing even more. He stepped towards you, you put a new batch of batter into the pan before stepping back.
Tom: why? Darling...
He knew that when he called you darling it made your heart race. You put your hands over your face to attempt to cover the beet red colour that sat on your cheeks. He walked even closer, you stepped back except you came to a stop when your back hit the cold counter making you quietly gasp.

Still your hands rested over your face, your eyes barely peaking through the gaps between your fingers. It stayed silent for a while, the only sound to be heard was the sizzling of the pancake. Tom stood right in front of you, so close your noses almost touched. He gently grabbed your hands and put them to your side, not letting go. He then very slowly leant in towards your ear, you gulped, your heart racing.
Tom: you know, I was wondering if you'd ever get used to me calling you darling...
That was it, you pulled your hands from his and covered your ears, he smirked and put his hands on your waist. You tried to ignore the fact that his hands were very gently running up and down your waist. You closed your eyes, but opened them startled when you felt a pair of soft lips on your neck.
Y/n: Tom... no.
Tom: why?
He mumbled into your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You grabbed his face and placed a quick kiss on his lips before walking away to finish the pancake. It was a little burnt, but it was edible.
Y/n: just no.

You repeated the process of putting the batter batter into the pan, you could feel Toms eyes burning into the back of your head. You nearly dropped the spatula on the floor when Tom pulled you close to him by your waist. Your hand was resting against his chest, as you breathed heavily in shock.
Tom: what do you mean 'just no' darling?
You smiled, catching your breath.
Y/n: I love you sometimes.
Tom: sometimes?
He asked slightly offended.
Tom: if I do this, will you love me all the time?
You were a bit confused, before his lips crashed onto yours. Your hands reached for his hair, the way his gorgeous locks flowed through your fingers made you weak. His hands tightened on your waist, not wanting to let go. But you weren't complaining.

You didn't realise but he hand pushed you back against the counter. The kiss became more passionate, you stomach felt like a zoo. Suddenly you felt him bite your lip gently, causing you to gasp. With this he allowed his tongue to quickly skim your lips before entering your mouth. He picked you up and sat you on the counter, standing in between your legs. Your hands massages his head, making him softly moan into your mouth. Never had you ever kissed so much like this before. You pulled away for a quick second to catch your breath and caught a whiff of burning. Then you remembered the pancakes. Tom hadn't waited for you to catch his breath, no, he turned his attention back to your neck. His hands softly fumbling underneath your, well his, shirt.
Y/n: Tom...
He didn't listen to you, he instead found your sweet spot, making your breath hitch in your throat.
Y/n: T-Tom the pancakes are burning..!
He pulled away and looked at the pancakes that were now smoking. He sighed and walked over to them, turning off the stove. You jumped off of the counter and walked over to him, you rested your chin on his shoulder.
Y/n: well uh, that took a turn, and the pancakes definitely aren't very edible now.
Tom: you had that coming.
You could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
Y/n: I think we should just go out for lunch instead..?
Tom: yeah, that's probably best.
The fire alarm went off making you jump, Tom kissed your cheek before walking away to turn it off. That was... different.

I hope you enjoyed, this was different to my previous imagines, but interesting to write.
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