27| Midnight baking T.H

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You rolled onto your back and looked up at the ceiling, a sigh escaping your lips. You looked over at Tom, his cheeks were rosy pink and his eyelashes painted his cheeks as soft snores escaped his lips.
Y/n: Tom...
You whispered, trying to wake him.
Y/n: Tommy...
You prodded his shoulder gently, his face scrunched up as he tried to stay asleep. Your hand slowly caressed his cheek, a small smile on your lips.
Tom: what's wrong?
He groaned, pulling the blanket further up his body.
Y/n: I can't get to sleep.
Tom: close your eyes...
He said almost drifting off again, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his body.

You did as he said but still couldn't doze off. You sat up and decided to go downstairs instead. Kissing Toms head, you made you way down to the kitchen.

First you got a bottle of water and sat at the table, mind completely empty as you stared at the floor. You had never felt more awake and soon became very bored. You searched the cupboards in hope of finding something to do.

A cupcake mix sat behind a few other things, you grabbed it and set it on table. You scanned the instructions and looked at the ingredients. You had all the things you needed and all the time in the world. So that's what you did... you grabbed everything you needed and set it beside you.

Following the instructions you began to make the mixture. As you were mixing the things together, a shuffling of feet was heard. You looked at the door and saw your boyfriend, face scrunched up as his eyes adjusted to the light.
Tom: what are you doing?
Y/n: making cupcakes...
He nodded as if that was completely normal to him.
Tom: do you want me to help?
Y/n: nope, you can just sit and observe.
You smiled at him and continued to mix the ingredients together in the bowl.

Time passed and now he was the one who was bored. He watched as you put the cupcakes in the oven, before standing up and dipping his finger into some of the buttercream you had started to make.

As you turned around his hand came in contact with your face, a layer of buttercream sat on your cheek. You opened your mouth in shock and stood there for a second.
Y/n: you did that for what?
You laughed, grabbing a handful of the icing and putting it in his hair. He too was shocked.

Now it was on.

He picked up some of the leftover flour and chucked it at your face. You coughed and wiped the air in front of you as a cloud of flour slowly disappeared I front of you. You did the same and put it in his hair, it immediately stuck to the icing in his hair.

His hands make their way up to his head where his tried to get rid of the mess in his hair. Hands now slimy and disgusting, he stuck his arms out in front of him, a mischievous smile on his face.
Y/n: oh no you don't.
You ran last him before he got a chance to speak and hid behind the sofa. You heard him walking around, trying to find you.
Tom: y/n I know your in here.
Once he was facing the other direction, you stood up and jumped on his back surprising him.
Tom: ahh!
You laughed at him as he began to realise it was you.
Tom: don't do that y/n.
He chuckled, a thought appearing in his brain.

In all of two seconds you were now on the floor as Tom tickled you. His hands made the shirt you were wearing all disgusting, you pushed away and tried to catch your breath.
Y/n: t-Tom! Stop, the cakes. They're gonna burn.
He stood up and went to the kitchen as you followed loosely behind him. The cakes were perfectly fine, you smiled as the smell of fresh bakes filled your nose. You walked towards Tom and wrapped your arms around his waist, your head rested against his back and your eyes began to feel heavy.
Y/n: that wore me out.
You said stifling a laugh.
You felt the vibrations as he chuckled against your cheek.
Tom: let's go to bed and we can clean this up in the morning.
Y/n: good idea.
He took your hand and you both walked back to bed, a happy feeling in your chest as you quickly fell asleep...

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