18 : One Last Time

Start from the beginning

" But.. Eventually they know the truth. "

" Bright,  You're my favourite model and I don't want to kick you out from my agency because of this silly things, this is your and my reputation that we're talking about. "

" You mean I can't be with Tine? "

" precisely "

" What's wrong with dated the same gender? I work hard to be here and now I can't be with someone that I love? "

"He's that important to you? "

" Of course he is. "

" There's nothing wrong with dating the same gender... It's just unpleasant for some people to see.. Youre a model Bright.. Should I remind you, about your promise to me? "

" I promise to bring the agency name to be the top modelling agency, and I did do it. I can guarantee you that my relationship won't give any effect on the agency. "

" Well,  since you determined about it, do you really think those fans of yours can accept you being gay? "

" what if we did get through this without any more controversy? What if people out there like us and accept us. "

" Then,  I won't mind about your business anymore. You can have your job and your lover. And I get my agency name clean and clear."

Foei walked out from there, leaving Bright in the death end moment. He love Tine and his jobs means alot , he can't just choose one.
From a far Tine knew Bright was in trouble.

" Man,  Bright's in trouble right? " Tine  asked Man who sit in the driver seat.

" That guy is the founder and ceo of the modelling agency that Bright work for, so yea.. He's in trouble. "

" is it because of me? "

" Tine, it's not your fault, Bright make his own choice to admit that he's in relationship with you. He want the whole world know that he's yours. "

" but.. He didn't have to take the risk.. "

" Tine,  you know what I learn... In love,  Sacrifices play a big role. It's not an option,  it's something that has to be made "

Bright came into the car and he gives Tine a warm hug.  Tine knew once again... Their relationship has been tested.

Misunderstanding, break up,  Pam crazy rumors, and now...their exposed relationship. 

" Did you regret? "

" Tine... Why would I regret?  I want them to know that You belong to me. "
Bright pinch Tine's tiny nose and Tine give him a kiss on the cheeks

" Oyyy!  I'm still here. I'm not invisible " Man saw them through the middle mirror.

Bright really didn't regret exposing it he just hope that his fans will still accepting who he is, no judgement,  no controversies, so that Both him and Tine can live a happy life.


That night,

" P!  Look at this. "

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