Hey Louis, turns out my friend Josh offered to tutor me from now on, one less responsibility for you.

I felt like chocking on my own dry mouthed spit. No. Please lord no. Why? Did he not like my tutoring? Would he prefer other people to me?
I felt a stabbing pain crash through my heart making meant to throw up every single thing I’d ever eaten ever. My eyes started to water and soon tears streamed down my face.
I bet this was a subtle hint that I meant nothing, I could read between the lines, he clearly could drop me as soon as he got a better offer, because I really did mean nothing to him. 
Tears came fast and thick down my face and I stood from the table, ignoring the calls of my name coming from a worried mother of mine, and I practically ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door behind me, all the pain of my hangover thundering through my body, but I welcomed it so much, anything to hind the pain that shattered my heart. I screamed out in pain, causing my head to throb in the most horrific way ever. I always fall for the wrong kinds of people; I really wish it would just go right for once.

I buried my face into my soft pillow and cried until my eyes were dry and puffy nod I had no liquid left in my already dehydrated body.
Have you ever fallen for someone but not really known until the slightest thing that they do to hurt you makes you hurt and cry so much that you feel like they just stabbed you in the heart? It really awakens you to how much power that one individual has over your emotions. I mean just the thought that Niall doesn’t really want to hang around with me, hurts like hell.

I heard a knock at my door and I shuffled in my bed, feeling so tired out from my crying session that I was in the mood to just sleep. The door creaked open and sniffled trying to compose my emotions enough so I could look at who was coming into the room, I looked over to see Lottie, with a confused look on her face standing in the door way, as soon as she saw my face she looked pained and shut the door behind her as she rushed over to the bed and sat down next to me.

“What’s happened?” she whispered as she lay down in front of my so we were face to face. I let out a whimper. “Is it Niall?” she asked, knowingly. She knew way too much about me these days it was actually fairly scary. I nodded and sniffed another tear rolled down my cheek at the mere mention of his name. “What did he do?” she whispered as she snuggled closer to me, hugging me tight to her chest.

“He-he’s f-found s-s-someone e-else to t-tutor him” I sobbed breaking into tears. “He doesn’t w-wan-want m-me, c-cause I-I’m n-to good e-enough.” I hiccupped out a tearful sob and broke down into pure and shaky crying. She didn’t say anything she just held me while I cried into her shoulder. When I’d started to calm down again, she started to massage my back in soothing circles.

“I’m sure that isn’t true, Lou” she whispered into my ear. “Your minds just filling in the gaps with fake little stories, because you’re insecure about Niall’s feelings towards you.”
She was right in a way, I didn’t know whether any of the things I said were actually true or not, but I just assumed that that’s how it was because my head told me that’s how it was. I pulled out my phone and passed it to Lottie opening the text so she could see what Niall had said to me.

She read it silently and nodded once she was done and I began to put my phone away as she lay there looking at me. She didn’t say anything at all. She looked like she was having an inner battle with herself. Then she opened her mouth to break the silence that seemed to stretch on forever.

“I can see why you would think that you weren’t good enough, I can see why you would think that he doesn’t want you, Lou” she said looking away from my eyes into thin air. “And I’m trying to puzzle piece why he would prefer someone else to tutor him than you” she muttered to herself.

“I just don’t understand, I was so sure he liked you to, I don’t even know why he would go find someone else to tutor with, something’s changed.” She continued to mutter more to herself than anyone else.

“He’s got a girlfriend.” I said bluntly, the words burned as the left my mouth. Lottie’s eyes snapped to mine and her eye brows creased.
“Who? When?” she demanded angrily.
“This girl called Demi, he brought her to the party last night and they looked very cosy together” I said emotionlessly.

“Wow, this is starting to get complicated.” She said raising her eye brow and letting out a huff of air.
“Tell me about it” I muttered.
“Mum said that some boys dropped you off last night? Who were they?” she asked.
“I have no idea, mum said one of them was called Harry but she didn’t recognise the other one” I shrugged.
“So that means that Niall didn’t bring you home last night?” she questioned.
“Obviously not, otherwise mum would have recognised him straight away.”
“Why would someone be so kind, as too bring you home? Do you know this Harry guy?” she questioned.
“Barely” I said.

“Exactly, so why the hell would they bring you home? And how in hell’s name did they know where you live?” she said, confused as she stared up at the ceiling.
“I don’t know, Lottie, I really don’t know” I muttered.

(Zayn’s POV)

I stared over at the house, having an internal argument about whether I should go check if Louis was okay after last night’s fiasco. But everything was telling me that I shouldn’t. I still had a lot of explaining to do like how I knew where he lived and which bedroom was his. I couldn’t just come out and admit that I’d had a god damn crush on this boy since his first day and I’d followed him and Niall home the first night when they both had their first tutoring session. I’m pretty sure they would get the courts to rule a restraining order on me. Especially if I mentioned the fact that it was a regular trip to this spot where I stood under this tree about 25 meters away from his house and just watched hoping to see him in the window, which would happen about 9pm when he shut his curtains topless, most nights.

I couldn’t help any of the things this boy did to me, he made me do weird things, and I had to cover my feelings with harsh words and bitter looks.
but I’d seen the way Niall and Louis look at each other, it didn’t take a genius to work out that they had a thing for one another, so when I heard Eleanor was trying to mark her territory on Louis, everything fell into place as I set up Niall and Demi so that each of them would think that they weren't into each other, and after bribing josh to offer to tutor Niall, it all really fell into place because Niall was convinced that he shouldn’t be getting in the way of Louis and Eleanor’s ‘relationship’ so he backs off, kind of brilliant if you ask me.

Anyway, now I’m just waiting, for the perfect opportunity, the opportunity to become Louis’ new student. I just don’t know how I’m going to do that part yet.

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(written so late at night that in the morning i might actually regret this chapter so much, sorry if i've disappointed anyone, please tell me this story is making sense, it's been a  stressfull week x)

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