CH7: The Deal Between Friends

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"... I like to try again. That was fun," Mystic smiles.

"Oh my, seems like you enjoyed it. How about this; Three rounds. If I win, you're out of the game. If you win, perhaps you can talk to King Dice. He does love winners, especially if they are sweet ladies like you."

"Sure! Let me get Louie." Mystic walked away from the table, trying to find her friend. "Louie! Louie? Where are you?" She scratched her head. 

"Right here, doll- HICCUP! Pardon me, Misty. I had one, too many pina coladas and cocktails. So what's up?" 

"I'm playing roulette. Maybe you would like to join me? I think I may need help." 

"I suppose I can try it. I never played a game like that in- HICCUP! Months." 
Louie wobbled over, feeling drunk from the alcohol that was in his system. 

"So, this is your friend? He will be a fun one to lighten this game up. By the way, I never introduced myself. The name is Pirouletta." 

"I'm Mystic and this is Louie."

"Quite a pleasure to meet you both. Now, let's start this, shall we?"  


King Dice knocked on the office door. "Boss? Got a minute?" 

"I do, Dice. Come in," a flamboyant voice answered.

King Dice opened the door, "We got our two guests. They are currently playing roulette at the moment. Care to observe them?" 

"My kind of game although I prefer cards. Sure, I don't see why not?" 

Meanwhile, Louie and Mystic were catching up to their wins against everyone. They thought their odds would be even a lot but at very few rounds it was. Their pile of chips were stacked high. 

"Louie? How do you play so well?" Mystic asked.

"It's easy, sweetheart. All ya gotta do ish dial the buttonsss like those phone ring thingies..." Louie at this point was just speaking slurring words that made no sense.

"May I join in on this round?" King Dice asked. Pirouletta backed up for Dice to have some space. "Louie, may I add that you have remarkable skills along with your pretty friend there?" 

"You bet I do, Dicey," Louie points. "You gonna challenge me and Misty here, let's do this! I can't wait to win and leave." 

King Dice laughed, "Ya sure you are sober enough to play against me? I am the gamest of the land." 

"I can beat ya! I bet landing on all reds!" 

"Hehe, I think betting on green will do very much for me. It is a lucky color like a four leafed clover. Though, your probability on the outcome of this wheel will be zero." 

"I'll add half the chips and bet 40," Mystic says. Everyone gasped, hearing how much she betted on her earnings, even for the king of games himself. 

Louie's antennas raised up, surprised by her choice. "Ummm, Mystic? I don't know if that's such a good idea." 

"Is that your bet you want to place down?" 

"Yes!" Mystic nods.

"Very well," the croupier followed King Dice's gesture as he spun the roulette for the three.
King Dice rubbed his gloved hands, chuckling at the ball as it rolled.
Mystic was worried, hoping this win could get her home. Louie on the other hand just passed out, feeling that there is no hope of winning this bet.
The ball finally slows down, rolling onto... A 40.
Dice's jaw dropped, seeing how lucky Mystic was to actually achieve to land on such a high roll. The croupier rakes the rest of the chips towards her. 

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