(If you have short hair you can ignore this and if you want a ponytail then by all means go ahead)

I wrapped my (h/l) (h/c) hair in a ponytail and handed the apron to Varian "I already have one on though?" "Yes, for science and this is baking so chop chop my dear" Varian smiled and put on the apron on top of his apron, I hope it won't be too stuffy with two aprons..

"So, I'll get the cocoa butter and powder, please get the milk powder" "Okay" I grabbed both items and Varian got his. I put it on the counter and took out two pots one for mixing and one for the water. "Okay Var can I call you Var?" "Go ahead" "Alright Var put cocoa butter in the bowl on top of the pot full of water and start melting with a 3/4 cup of the cocoa butter and remember to mix it with the whisk and don't stop" I prepared the pots and went to Varian with cocoa powder "You can stop stirring for a second" Okay only letting once again 3/4 of it to sprinkle down so it won't come down in clumps. "Varian get 1/4 cup of milk powder and 1 cup of confectioner sugar to mix in this bowl" "Got it" He added the last parts and I moved the bowl away from the water one and started to mix.



"Ah Var it's done!" I managed to shape the chocolate in different ways half as a heart the other as roses. I might not be the best at drawing like Rapunzel when it comes to paper but when it comes to decorating food, I think I can safely say I'm the best at it! "You like the Roses?" Varian got closer I can feel his body against mine. He feels so nice. "Whoa I can see every detail there. That's amazing!" I kinda wanna kiss him. That's enough with that! "Let's go bring this out"


All the chocolate was gone it seemed it was a big hit "High five!"


I put back my regular outfit and he took off the apron. We headed back to Varian's lab and we cleaned everything around. Ruddiger was outside we managed to catch a look at him at Monty's eating all the treats he could. Of course we let him stay there because for goodness sake he could get feisty when he has his treats taken. And now I'm exhausted where is oh there's the chair. I plopped down and sighed "Nice job Varian" "You too" "Happy Hearts day Var" "Happy Hearts day (Y/n)"

I want to kiss him. Why am I having such an urge to do so? Sorta reminds me of last time when we had uh a heated session, I felt the need to kiss him but he went against that which was okay to me. I can feel my fingers twitching now, seems it's getting to the better of me. No! I-I can't do it it's and invasion of privacy! Unless he wants to do it too...

NO! STOP THINKING THAT (Y/N)! BAD (Y/N)! Y- "Are you okay (Y/n) you seem tense?" I flinched "O-oh no I'm good" I'm probably trembling right now oh god why do I want to kiss him so badly!?

"Varian." "Yes?" "C-can we uh...please- mmhrgh p-please kiss m-me?" Varian turned red "A-are you okay?" "I-I uh it's just we never continued on that session we had considering it was interrupted" I can practically see the gears turning in his head and he blushed madly just like me. He smirked in that devilish way again and got up taking off his gloves along with his goggles as he went to the door and locked it.

This is pure smut right here, if you don't wanna see it you can skip

3rd Pov

Varian got closer to (Y/n) and started to kiss her passionately. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck and stroked his hair as he opened his mouth letting his tongue go around her mouth and he softly bite her bottom lip. (Y/n) moaned and started to slightly claw at his neck from behind. "Your so cute (Y/n)" (Y/n) shyly laughed at his compliment and blushed "You too Varian" This time (Y/n) went down his neck and planted sweet kisses around until she found the spot. As she softly bit at it Varian moaned and started to mess with her hair, he managed to get rid of the ponytail from before and her (h/l) (h/c) was down. Varian started to moan louder as (Y/n) bit at his sweet spot she didn't leave a mark for the sake of each other.

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