Chapter 35

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Jisoo's POV

So I might be a tad nervous.

Or a lot nervous.

That's ok though, I know what I have to do and I won't be deterred by my nerves.

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

Jennie takes a sip of her drink. She's completely oblivious to what is about to happen.

It seems my evil laugh is back.

But I'm not going to do anything to embarrass her, if anyone stands the chance of being embarrassed here, it's me. And that's ok. I want Jennie to realize that she's worth being embarrassed for and also that I'm fine if I make a fool out of myself. None of that matters as long as she likes the show I'm about to put on.

Besides, it's not like I'm putting all my eggs in one basket. This is just the beginning of my wooing plans, a sort of preview for her if you will.

"So this is the part of the show where we would like to invite our lucky audience member to come up and sing a song with us." The lead singer of the band announces.

It's not actually, they've never had someone come and belt out a tune with them before.

That is until a certain someone called them this morning and explained a certain plan they had cooked up in their heads.

I'm sure you're curious as to why they would have agreed to that idea.

Well, rumor is that they may have been offered some free publicity in exchange for their participation in a certain plan.

That's just a rumor though.

I understand why it might seem like I'm trying to manipulate Jennie but I'm really not. I'm just trying to show her that she's helped bring out a new, more sure-of-herself Jisoo.

One that knows exactly what, or who, I should say, she wants to be with.

And if she happens to find my performance out of this world and one worthy of a big juicy kiss, then that is just an added bonus.

I like to view what I'm about to do as me throwing down the gauntlet in a way, I want her to realize I'm up for the challenge of winning her over but at the same time I don't want to come on too strong either.

Wooing is hard, yo!

But damn, she's so worth it.

Xiumin taps Jennie on the arm quite excitedly. "Hey you should go up there and sing."

Rosé nods her head vigorously. "Totally, that would be very cool."

Ah, what a good little plan followers they are.

"Leave her alone." I interject. "I'm sure she doesn't want to sing."

The hardest part of this whole plan was finding the right song.

Jennie taps her beer bottle against the wooden table we're at. "Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to perform right now."

But I am.

It's so hard to pretend that I didn't spend the entire day learning the lyrics to the song I chose.

Not an easy task I'll have you know.

"Come on, you should wow this crowd." Xiumin tells Jennie as he nudges her shoulder.

Chaeng nods again. "What's the point of having a talent like yours if you don't share it?"

Jennie looks as enthused about singing as I would be if Kai offered to strip for me.


So not what I should be thinking about now.

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