Chapter 15

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Jisoo's POV

Jennie and I return to the table right in the middle of Kai's life story. My brother is hanging onto every word coming out of Kai's mouth and I wonder if anyone besides Chaeyoung and I notice.

I try to be good person and listen, seeing as it is the polite thing to do but my mind is elsewhere.

It's in the same place it's been for the last three days.


She took my hand to pull me back to dinner like it was no big deal, but for me it was a huge one.

Not the gesture itself, I could interpret the meaning of that for days, I'm more focused on the way it made me feel. I'm not going to lie. I've been with my fair share of women and yet with Jennie she's made me feel more with her clothes on than any of them did while being naked.

I'm not saying I've never been in love before, I have, with one person, but now I'm starting to doubt what I felt for her. I force myself to rejoin the conversation because I really don't want to take a stroll down memory lane at this moment and I certainly have no desire to relieve the pain she caused me.

"...and I also enjoy playing basketball in my spare time." Kai finishes before he takes another bite of my mom's pot roast.

I don't think anyone misses the excited squeal coming from my brother.

I can only imagine the images he's forming in his head of Kai being all sweaty after a game of one-on-one.

Actually, I don't want to imagine that at all.

I would like to finish my meal and now I'm not sure I can.

I close my eyes and conjure up the only thing that will help me in a situation like this.

Ah, naked Jennie, it's good to have you back.

"You know." My dad starts and I'm sad to say he made naked Jennie disappear. "Xiumin was the captain of his high school basketball team." He grins proudly at Xiumin, missing completely the embarrassment he's causing him. Hey, at least it's not me. "They even won the state championship in his senior year."

"Dad do you really have to do that?" Xiumin groans as his cheeks turn a similar shade to mine when I do something stupid. "Nobody cares."

"I think that's pretty cool man." Kai says.

Xiumin smiles so wide I'm afraid he might pull a muscle. "Maybe we can play together sometime?"

Kai smiles as well, "That sounds great." If you looked up the definition of happy in the dictionary you'd see a picture of what Xiumin looks like right this second. "I haven't played in a few months though so I might be rusty."

"No problem, I'll take it easy on you." I can hear Xiumin trying to contain his excitement, it's very cute.

That doesn't mean I can't have fun with him though.

"You know what would be even better?" I turn to my father. "If you and Jinyoung joined them, I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

I don't need to look at Xiumin to know his reaction.

Maybe next time he'll think twice before he smears peanut butter all over my phone at work like he did last week.

He probably thought I forgot about that.


"What a great idea Jisoo." My dad says.

Oh Xiumin, payback is a bitch.

Today I Met The Girl I'm Going To Marry | Jensooजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें