Chapter 7

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A/N: Flashbacks are in italics

Jisoo's POV

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!

I am freaking out!

It really seems like Jennie should be the one having heart palpitations instead of me but for whatever reason I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that Jennie Kim is in my bed.

My bed!

"Morning." Jennie says like it's the most natural thing in the world. She stretches her body out and her voice is raspier than it was last night. "Sleep well?"

I scoot backwards to cerate some space between us and when I do my foot touches Jennie's bare leg for the briefest of moments.

Jennie's bare leg!

Oh my God!

A sense of foreboding washes over me as I work up the courage to peek under my covers. I slowly lift the covers up as I tear my eyes away from Jennie's curious brown orbs.

Ok, I was so not prepared to find myself in just my bra and underwear.

Just my bra and underwear!

I bunch the covers up as far as they can go se everything below my neck is out of sight. All right, there's no reason to get hysterical Jisoo, no need at all. Just take a few deep breaths and remember, don't get hysterical.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I shriek hysterically.

Way to follow the plan dumbass.

Jennie is lying on her side and I have to say she look mighty comfortable with her head on my pillow. If I wasn't so busy having a panic attack I would admire what a great visual this is. "Uhm, I was sleeping before you woke me up a few minutes ago."

I didn't let my eyes wander to see what Jennie was wearing or not wearing when I peeked under the covers, but I can see the top half of her body and she has on what appears to be an old t-shirt of mine. My mind simply cannot digest the scene laid out before me so I continue my nonsensical ranting, much to my dismay. "I'm half naked and you're in my bed and I'd really like an explanation from you as to why exactly that is."

Jennie looks amused, "Aren't you used to waking up with a woman beside you?"

"That's not funny." I bark.

I am breathing rapidly and I'm almost certain that I'm going to start hyperventilate any minute now.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you'd be so upset this morning." Jennie replies softly. "Don't you remember anything about last night?"

I grip the covers tightly as I try to recall the events of the previous evening. "I remember being at the restaurant with you and enjoying a great meal." I close my eyes but nothing comes back to me. "That's about it." I wonder why Jennie seems relieved.

"So you really don't remember last night at all?" She questions again.

Thank goodness I put on a decent bra and a matching underwear when I got dressed yesterday.

"No, I don't." I snap and instantly regret it. It's not Jennie's fault that I'm suffering from temporary amnesia.

"You're bananas." Jennie quips and then she laughs.

I peel my eyes open so I can glare at her but I forget all about that when I see her nose crinkling.

Damn her for being so cute and damn her for having a nose crinkle that puts me under some sort of spell.

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