Chapter 22

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Jisoo's POV

I, Kim Jisoo, being the sound mind and incredible body...

Jennie holds the sunblock out for me to take.

Oh my God!

I'm not dead!


But wait.

Jennie wants me to put my hands all over her.

How in the hell am I going to control myself?

My remembering that you aren't some sort of animal who can't control her lust driven urges, that's how.

Is it a bid sign that I asked myself a question and then answered it?

Probably, but enough about me, onto the task at hand.

My hands.

On Jennie's flesh.

Rubbing and stroking her.

All over.

Damn, I am so in over my head here.

I turn my brain off Jennie for just a second so it can make my arms and legs move. I stand up and take three short steps over to my one and only.

So far, so good.

I haven't tripped and I haven't tackled her on the ground.

I follow Jennie's earlier lead and push my own sunglasses on top of my head. Our eyes meet, which is nothing short of a miracle considering there are other parts of her that I'd rather be looking at.


It's all Jennie's fault.

She's the one with the astounding body that I can't stop ogling.

I'm defenseless against the power she has over me.

And I surrender to her, gladly.

"Here you go." Jennie says as she passes the sunblock over.

Jennie in a bikini!

Jennie in a bikini that I get to touch!

Jennie in a bikini that I get to touch and fondle!

Oh, I better not fondle her, yet.

I'll wait until she asks me to.

I've been told I have magic fingers, so I'm feeling a little more confident than normal.

It's time to give Jennie a sneak preview of what I have to offer.

Sexy Jisoo wants to come out and play.

Actually, she wants to make Jennie come out but she'll settle for this, for now.

"I'm happy to be of service." I reply after I remember that going mute is not attractive. I tilt my head as I reach for the bottle that will allow me to grope Jennie without my undying love for her being se evident.

When our hands touch it creates an absolute firestorm deep within me. I have felt jolts of attraction before from other girls and from Jennie herself, but none as powerful as this one.

Not even close.

On a scale from one to ten, ten being the hottest, I'd rate this touch a sixty-nine.

Ha ha.


Right, where was I?

Oh yeah, I'm about to get the opportunity of a lifetime.

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