Chapter 21

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Jisoo's POV

I pull up to Jennie's house on Saturday morning in such a wonderful mood.

And why would that be?

Jennie in a bikini!

Jennie in a bikini!

Jennie in a bikini!

Oh yeah!

Today feels like my birthday only better. If I play my cards right perhaps I'll even get the chance to unwrap Jennie!

I bounce around in my seat like I'm hopped up on all sorts of sugar, but my high comes from only one thing...

Jennie in a bikini!

I find it a bit odd that Jennie's not waiting outside because she told me she would be but I'm not too concerned. Instead of honking, which I think is rather rude, I get out of my car and practically skip to her front door.

I ring the bell as I try to remain somewhat calm.

Jennie in a bikini!

The wait for her to answer takes an eternity and when I hear her unlock the door from the inside my breathing hitches.

I must, under all circumstances, remain composed.

This is imperative or my cover as an Jennie obsessed fan girl will be completely blown.

My inner squeal is cut short when I see Jennie.

What the hell?

She's dressed a big white snowsuit and for the life of me I can't figure out why.

"Good morning Jisoo." Jennie sings out as she flashes me a big grin.

I was all excited for a nearly naked Jennie and instead I get the fucking Michelin man!

I'm so pissed off right now.

"Are you on fucking crack?" I ask rudely and I don't even care how bad I sound.

Jennie in a bikini!

Where are you?

Jennie twirls around like she's in a fashion show. ""Don't you like my bikini?"


Oh God, she's a loony tune.

"I demand you go change." I shout as I point upstairs. "Whatever kind of joke you're trying to pull isn't funny."

Jennie walks over to me and slaps my shoulder. "Come on we're going to be late."

I'm so angry, I growl rather loudly. "I'm not leaving this house with you looking like a fucking marshmallow." I clench my fists together and I'm very close to slapping Jennie for playing such a cruel trick on me. "I'm serious Jen, you better go change."

"Is this what you had in mind?" Jennie's voice comes not from the person standing in front of me but from somewhere else.

What's going on?

I'm so confused.

Another Jennie walks into the room dressed like a clown.

And now I'm scared as fuck.

Clowns freak me out like you wouldn't believe.

Jennie bounds over to me and her oversized clown shoes squeak loudly as she moves. "Don't pout Jisoo, I bet I can cheer you up." She pulls out a horn and honks it a few times, which only scares me more.

I back up until I hit the wall behind me. "Get away from me." I try to sound intimidating but my shaky voice betrays my actual feelings.

A third Jennie pops up beside me. "Don't pout Jisoo." I'm about to ask her if she's the real Jennie when a forth Jennie appears on my other side.

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