Chapter 36

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Jisoo's POV

I think I'm about to make history.

This is the second morning I've woken up in a good mood without anybody being in bed with me.

I'm still riding my high from last night.

Too bad I'm not riding Jennie.

Oh, wow, now that is an image I'm going to file away in my head for later.

Anyway, as I was saying, my bright sunny mood matches the weather outside and the joy in my heart. I'm still having a hard time believing that I was able to pull my performance off and that I pulled it off so well.

There was no awkwardness or residual weirdness from Jennie at all.


Just a wonderful night that I got to spend sitting close to her.

I had such a blast!

We laughed together, joked around with Chaeyoung and Xiumin and when I dropped Jennie of at home the smile on her face was almost as satisfying as a good night kiss.


But not quite.

She thanked me for a great time and told me that I was able to relax her after a stressful day at the recording studio.

Which bring me to right now.

Phase two of making Jennie mine.

I'm not sure how many phases there are going to be, that actually depend on Jennie. I don't care though, whatever it takes, how ever long it takes, I won't give up.

Well, it hopefully won't take too long because I really am looking forward to being able to fall asleep in her arms and then wake up in the, hours later.

And of course all the other stuff that comes in between.

That can't happen though unless I get phase two started.

I send Jennie a message from my phone and wait for her reply.

I even got dressed this morning with Operation Jensoo in mind. I'm wearing army fatigue capris and a black tank top.

That's right, I'm butching it up to fight for my girl.

Ok, ok, the fatigues are pink, but still, the message is clear.

Nobody is going to stand in my way!

Not Kai, not Seulgi, not Soojoo or anyone else who dares to interfere in my wooing of Jennie.

I'm almost growling when I hear Jennie call my name.

"Jisoo? What are you doing here?" She asks in a voice thick and deep from sleep.

Oops, I guess it is kind of early.

Oh well, hopefully she isn't as grouchy as me first thing in the morning.

I look up at Jennie's bedroom window. The one that is now open and the one with the groggy but sexy looking brunette with messy hair in it.


She is fine at any time of the day.

She wipes her eyes, yawns and then stretches so I assume I woke herself up a bit. When she stretches her shirt riders up her stomach and I get a glimpse of her abs that I love so much.

I shake my head a bit to refocus my attention on the task at hand.

"Ditching work, wanna come?" I reply as I tilt my head. I flash her what I hope is a sexy smile and then I bite my bottom lip while I wait for her to say yes.

Today I Met The Girl I'm Going To Marry | JensooOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz