Chapter 4

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Jisoo's POV

"What about this?" I ask as I walk out of my closet.

Because my father went ballistic when I made a simple request to leave work early, I didn't have time to buy something new to impress Jennie.

Sheesh, he really needs to relax.

Chaeyoung is lying on her stomach on my bed and flipping through the latest issue of Vogue. She claims it's for research purposes but I'm not convinces. I have a sneaking suspicion she just wants to ogle the half naked women inside. Not that I blame her or anything. She looks me up and down before shaking her head. "Too slutty."

I grunt in frustration but don't argue with her. I return a few minutes later to reveal my next outfit choice. "How about this one?"

Xiumin, who's sitting on the floor in my bedroom, glances at me as he tears his eyes away from his copy of GQ. I don't even have to bother guessing why he's reading that magazine because every few hours he turns to Chaeyoung to find out if she thinks a certain guy is better looking than D.B. "Not slutty enough." He tells me.

"You guys are not helping." I call out as I go to find something else to try on.

"Yes, we are." Xiumin replies. "We're your fashion gurus."

"Yeah Jisoo, you'd be hopeless without us." Chaeyoung chimes in.

I highly doubt that.

"Oh my God, remember that time Jisoo wore white after Labor Day?" Xiumin asks Chaeyoung while I attempt to block them out.

"Of course I do, you fainted when you saw her." Chae answers back.

"What can I say, fashion is no joking matter." Xiumin says in a very serious tone.

"Please that was not it at all." I shout from the closet. "You just saw a cute firefighter nearby and you wanted him to do mouth-to-mouth on you."

"I scoff at the implication of your statement. Scoff I say." Xiumin says in a very high-pitched voice.

"She's so ungrateful." Chaeyoung continues to mock me, while I continue to pretend that I'm not listening.

"Yeah Jisoo, you don't know how lucky you are." Xiumin tells me as I prepare to show them my next outfit.

I emerge from my closet wearing black dress pants and a simple, yet stunning aqua blue blouse. The blouse is tight, not too tight that Jennie will think I've spent the last hour or so rifling through my entire wardrobe.

Even though that's exactly what I've done.

"So what do you think?" I ask as I twirl around.

"It's alright I guess." Xiumin says very unenthusiastically.

Chaeyoung shrugs, "Meh, I still think you could do better."

I don't reply with words, instead I calmly walk over to the two of them, grab them by their respective hands and pull them towards my front door.

I'm surprisingly strong for my size.

"We were just kidding." Chaeyoung protests on her way out my apartment.

"Can't you take a joke?" Xiumin questions right before I shove him into Chaeyoung.

I grin innocently at my brother and friend as I slam the door in their faces.

There, much better.

Now I can get ready for Jennie in peace without those two killing my mood and my mojo.

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