Genma X Raido---/ Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

“I'm Raido's step dad Genji” a tall man with red hair said walking in. “So your the famous Genma. Raido has a hight respect for you, he don't stop talking about you.”

“I guess its nice to meet you sir” Genma put his hand out for him to shake.

“Call me Genji” he said shaking his hand.

“Okay everyone sit down its time for prezzys” Tama said waling in from the kitchen.

Genma at on the smaller of the three sofas, to one end. Raido took the seat next to him and Sammy sat in him lap. His step dad sat next to him and the rest on the over two sofas. Raido's mom knelled on the floor by the tree to give them out.

“First one is for Sammy love mommy and daddy” she said giving it to the small girl. Sammy ripped it open happily to find a Barbie doll. She screamed happily hugging her mom and dad. She started trying to open in.

“Next is for Hiroshi love mom and dad.” she gave it to him and he opened it as Raido took the Barbie from his sister and went to grab a Kunai but realised he didn't have any on him. He went to stand to get one when Genma removed the boll from his hands. Genma pulled the Senbon from his mouth, he had slipped it back in when he walked into the room, and used it to open the packet handing it back to the small girl. She grins and starts playing with it. Hiroshi got a football.

“Now Emi love Mom and dad.” Tama handed the girl a small looking box. The girl nodded and opened it. It was a small black box, she opened it and it was a necklaces.

“I love it” she smiled at her mom and dad.

“Next its for Ringo love mom and dad” she handed him and long tube rapped up. He pulled the wrapping paper from the tube. He pulled the lid from the tube and pulled out a sword. He grinned at it before tacking him mom in a hug.

“Thank you thank you thank you.” he shouted before getting up and hugging his dad.

“That's okay sweet heart. Okay next one is for Leo love mom and dad.” she handed him a nice sized box. He removed the wrapping paper and opened the box.

“What ya get bro?” Ringo asked.

“Ninja supplies and a mini dagger.” he said then thanking his mom and dad.

“This ons for Soto love mom and dad” Tama gave the 19 year old a small ish box. He opened it, it was one of the expensive kunai.

“Thanks guys” he nodded to his mom and dad.

“This on is for Tammy love mom and dad.” she gave it to the women and she opened it. It was some books.

“Right because I wanted book for Christmas, why do they get cool stuff and I don't” she complained. Genma grinned he know what they where.

“Tammy read the packet properly and don't let your brothers see” Genma said.

“Huh?” she did what he said then grinned and thanked her mom and dad. The books where face books, there really places to hid things. Genma only know because when he was 13 he gave his mom one.

“Now one for Raido love mom and Genji.” Genji was The father of all the kid but Raido. Raido's dad die when he was 5 a year later Tama meet Genji and well it went for good to the best and they got married. Raido was happy for his mom and liked Genji.

His mom handed him is present and he opened it. Genma stiffened and laughed when he sore what the book said.

“What the hell” Raido shouted, his mom, Genji and Genma burst out laughing.

“What is it” Tammy shouted snatching the book from Raido she to burst out laughing. Throwing back at Raido. The book was “How To Get A Girlfriend When You Don't Want Your Family To Know Your Gay.”

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