10. You've Shown Me to Love Myself

Start from the beginning


Taehyung and Sri were cuddled up on their bed. The blanket covered their naked bodies. The cascading moon light showered the room with silvery glow. There was a peaceful aura in the house. They could finally inhale freely.



"Can you feel the moonlight?"

"No. I can see it."

Sri giggled, "Yes, me too......"

"I love you." He spoke out of the blue.

Sri widened her eyes at his sudden shower of love but replied nevertheless, "Love you too, Babe."

"We will always be together."

"We will, but why are you sounding melancholic all of a sudden? Is anything wrong?"

Taehyung shifted in his positions and replied after some seconds, "I don't know, Sri... It's a sudden unsettling feeling. Everything seems too overwhelming to be true. I am afraid I might loose everything in a glance..."

"I know where you are coming from. Even I am quite unsettled but I can assure you this much that... as long as we are together, we will get through every problem in our lives. We can pass through every huddle that comes in our way. Nothing can separate us. Not even death."

"You're right. You make me whole Sri, you showed me light in darkness." Taehyung felt much comfortable. Sri was the best person in his life.

"I am your moonlight that beautifies and glorifies you. And you are my oxygen, I won't be able to breathe without you." She waited for him to reply.


"Um.... Tae?"


"Yah! Sleepy head! How can you doze off at this moment?" She kissed him on his cheek, "It was a long day. Have a peaceful sleep, love." Taehyung smiled and tightened his grip around her waist.


Taehyung was very busy in the past week. He had to settle all his business affairs. He even went for an overnight trip. Jeongwoo invaded their life like an atom bomb, messed up everything and finally got behind the bars. As a result, Taehyung didn't find enough time to spend with his wife.

Finally, tonight they were going for a dinner. Taehyung got himself ready. He wore a black formal suit. His black hair covered his forehead....

 His black hair covered his forehead

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[this is how Sri's prince looked]

Sri wore a maroon-red gown. Her collarbones were exposed. Her lips were covered in cherry red lipstick and her hair was fallen behind her. She looked like a queen.

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