[20] Strip Tease

Mulai dari awal

He started moving his erection up and down my bath robe covered pussy. "Ohhh fuck...." I moaned as my head went back "Don't moan like that!!" He let out a frustrated moan as he stopped grinding. "What...why?" I tried to question him about why he stopped but he didn't answer instead he tightened his grip on my hands.

"Let.Me.Out.Of.Your.Grip" I said and he did, I quickly covered myself with the blanket holding it tightly against my body. "How did you get in my house anyway.......everyone's asleep." I said as he stood up taking my phone from the nightstand and removing it from silent mode.

"Do you really think you are the only one who can get their fingerprints registered" he said while getting up from my bed and walking towards the door. He glanced over his shoulder and spoke "Never do that again cupcake.... never ever." and he walked out of my room.

Fuck my life.

I put my phone on the charger and made myself cozy. I slept after about half an hour of overthinking where I came to a decision that I won't go to school tomorrow..... I can't possibly face him after what happened today.

—In the morning—

Kiara's POV:

I woke up in the most shitty mood...... ugh my head aches so much. I checked my phone from the night stand. *0 new messages* oh wowww so popular....

I went to take a bubble bath with all my essential oils. I stayed in my tub for over an hour and relaxed my body......now that I am relaxed. I decided to go out, take a little off for 'Me time'. I dressed myself in a white knit sweater tucked into a black skinny jeans with a Gucci belt and white sneakers.

I was going shopping today, bitches!!

After a short drive.....

I reached the most popular fashion boutique in Sicily......everybody went here. It screamed perfection, the white and sky blue aesthetic makes it beautiful. It had gowns over mannequins all over.
(A/N: boutique which is shown in the picture at the top)

I entered and I saw 'the ravens'..... ugh fuck. I am so not in the mood.

So I decided to ignore them and shop at a 10 feet distance from them. Hmm the red gown with black laces or the lavender gown with black laces..... let's try. I went to the changing room and tried the red gown out. 'Eh not really my style' I thought to myself and walked out without changing to my actual clothes.

I heard Cho telling catie "I'll be back" as she walked up to me "hey" she said..... to say she is humble is and understatement, I heard a while ago that she stood up to Katherine when she bullied a little girl. Eh too bad she is still in the ravens. "Kiara right?" She snapped me out. "Yeah, Cho right?"

"Impressive, not that bad for someone who's new" she said "I think the whole school knows you, you have quite a reputation, thanks to your friends" her smile immediately fades away, then I remembered how Katherine treats her "hey, I am sorry about my friends.... they can be a quite of a- Uh...." "bitches?" I finished her sentence.

"Yeah...But it's just a mask she puts on, she is not actually like that" she was taking about Katherine. "There you are" I heard Katherine scream for Cho from the back and then she spots her talking to me. RIP CHO.....

"They need your help in decoration, Cho......go" she said as she dismissed Cho. "New girl.... what are you doing here" she walked up to me "and what the heck are you wearing..... you look like you just sneezed on your period" she said referring to my red gown. "What do you want Katherine?" "Uh....for you to leave"

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang