My Everything

999 31 17

Rey stares out the window as she nervously chews on her lips and bounces her leg. Ben's heavy hand rests on her leg, running his hand up and down the front of her black jeans, trying to calm her with little success.

"Relax Rey."

"I can't Ben, what if someone sees us?" She snaps back, her eyes still trained outside of the car.

"No one is going to see us," he says as calmly as possible.

"How do you know?"

"I don't," he smiles at her and she rolls her eyes. "If someone sees us, I'll improvise okay?"

"Okay," she says and looks back out the window, once again sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and chewing on it.

Ben looks at her for a moment, raking over her body with his eyes as he looks at her in her black jeans, heeled boots that he hadn't seen her wear yet, lightweight maroon camisole, and a black jacket over it all. His eyes pull up to her lip under her teeth again and he reaches up to pull her lip out. "Stop doing that," he whispers in almost a growl and she turns to him with a hint of mischief.

"Did it ever occur to you, that I know exactly what that does?"

"A couple of times," he whispers and leans over to kiss her.

The car comes to a stop on the side of the road, and Ben gets out before turning to help her out behind him. "I'll call you when we need a ride," Ben says into the car and then turns, grabbing Rey's hand and pulling her with him to the restaurant.

"Reservation for Solo," Ben addresses the hostess at the front counter of the restaurant.

As the hostess grabs two menus, Rey glances at the two other girls behind the counter as they whisper to each other, checking Ben out. To make a point, Rey steps forward and slips her hand into Bens and he clamps down tightly on her hand as they start walking, lacing her fingers in between his. She trails a step behind him, his hand guiding her, and she glances back at the girls, satisfied with their jealous glances.

"What were you up to back there?" Ben says over her shoulder as he helps her out of her coat, leaving her in her lightweight jacket.

"What are you talking about?" Rey plays coy and grabs the menu.

"You grabbed my hand rather aggressively," he smiles at her and she fights one in return.

"The girls at the hostess stand were checking you out, I just wanted to make a point."

"I had a feeling that was it," he laughs and looks at her for a moment. "You do know how often other men check you out too, right?"

"I doubt it's that often," Rey shrugs and returns to looking at the menu.

"Rey, it's all the time," Rey's eyes shoot to his as he says this. "You don't know how beautiful you are do you?"

"You're my boyfriend, You have to say that."

"I don't have to, but I do it because it's true. I noticed you the moment you got into line at security. Something about you is captivating, and I watch other men react to you that same way I did at the airport all the time."

"You're full of it," she says to try to brush him off.

"Except I'm not, and I'll do whatever I have to do to prove it to you," he says as he grabs her hands and looks at her.

"You're giving me the puppy dog eyes again," she smiles.

"Are they working?"

"It's a secret," she whispers and he releases her hand with a smile as the waitress comes up to the table.

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