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A/N: I'm having a freaking day and uploaded the wrong chapter first... they're uploaded in the correct order now, so if you read the other one, read this one as if I'm not dumb and uploaded them correctly *facepalm*

"Where is she?" Ben snaps, pushing Qi'ra's hand away as she has moved back into her overbearing flirty game under the disguise of her trying to comfort him and calm his nerves.

"She's with Vic," Kuruk responds for what seems like the millionth time.

"He already told you that," Qi'ra adds.

"Fine," Ben looks over the empty passenger seat in front of him out the windshield at the small two-lane highway. "Will you tell me where we're going?"

"That's classified," Kuruk mumbles.

"How is that classified?" Ben yells. "I have more security clearance than both of you!" He adds and watches Kuruk glances at Qi'ra in the Rearview mirror. "I'm about to start causing issues if you two don't start talking."

"Shit Ben," Kuruk yells and slams his hand down on the steering wheel. "I'm starting to see why Palpatine doesn't want us falling in love. You're really fucking annoying right now over a girl who is fully capable of taking care of herself but just so happens to have your best friend keeping tabs on her."

"If you would just tell me, I'd shut up."

"You're acting childish Ben," Qi'ra mumbles.

"You're one to talk. You continue to hit on a happily engaged man regularly and won't let up." Qi'ra stares at him, hurt flashing across her eyes for a moment before she purses her lips and turns away to look out the window without another word. Ben knows he just upset her, but he's too frustrated at the moment to try and fix it.

"If you must know," she grumbles, staring out the window. "She's in the silver car in front of us."Ben leans forward in his seat squinting at the car in front of them, looking out the tinted black windshield at the back of a brand new Toyota Camry. "Will you please, just shut the fuck up now?"

"Since when do we drive Camrys?" Ben asks ignoring Qi'ra's snippy comment.

"Much less suspicious than say a flashy black Porsche," Qi'ra says, rolling her eyes.

"You really have it out for me don't you?" Ben looks at her, his eyebrows raised, and she continues to stare out the window as she rolls her eyes again.

In the hour they had been driving so far, the motion of the car had managed to lull Rey to sleep in the backseat and she ended up leaning up against Vicrul while she snoozed.

Not accustomed to her being to that level of comfort with him, Vicrul sits rigidly in his seat, his hand clenched in a fist on his leg, with her cheek wedge against his bicep and her feet tucked up on the seat on the other side. Their friendship is harmless, but her level of comfort with him still makes him nervous because he doesn't want Ben to get the wrong idea. She's beautiful, all of the guys who work with them would admit that, but they respected their friend enough to know where the boundaries are, especially because Ben would quite literally break them over his knee out of possessiveness.

The buzz of a phone peaks Vicrul's attention and he strains to figure out where it comes as Ap'lek turns to look at him over his shoulder, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Rey," vicrul whispers, twitching his arm under her head a touch to wake her up gently. "Your phone is buzzing," he adds and she sits up slowly, hiding a yawn under her hand.

"What?" She mumbles.

"Where is your phone?" Vicrul says louder now that she is awake.

"In my pocket," Rey yawns and digs into her coat pocket, pulling her iPhone out.

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